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5 tips for a successful video interview

5 tips for a successful video interview

Too easy, the video interview? Not so sure. The health context linked to the coronavirus has turned the world of work upside down. Today, HR departments have adapted and continue to recruit remotely:the ideal candidate must be agile, and above all not take this new way of having an interview lightly. Despite the very reassuring side of the house, making a success of your video requires scrupulous preparation.

1. We create a comfortable space

To be comfortable and stay focused, it is important to be in a favorable environment.

A calm and isolated environment, without distraction, without noise pollution, or untimely irruption of those around you, allows you not to be destabilized. Exit the Smartphone that rings with each notification! The use of headphones is ideal for keeping a fluid exchange rhythm with your interlocutor, because it attenuates the parasitic noises that promote distraction.

The background that the recruiter will see is not to be neglected, because our environment says a lot about us:we prefer a neutral, bright background with a window located in front of or next to us to avoid a backlight, and above all perfectly ordered. We avoid showing our bed, and we put in the closet the unusual trinkets that distract attention.

To anticipate what the recruiter will see on D-Day, consider testing your webcam.

2. We prepare our equipment

Nothing worse than being surprised during the interview by a technical problem that could have been avoided. In order not to find yourself in an embarrassing situation, it is essential to test the sound and the webcam the days before to ensure that your equipment is working properly.

In addition to a stable Internet connection, the ideal is to be able to take control of the tool that will be used by the recruiter. Skype, GotoMeeting or Zoom, testing the tool in advance allows you to approach videoconferencing with serenity. For the webcam, the ideal is to position it so that the face is well centered:neither too close nor too far. Your interlocutor must be able to appreciate your expressions. The good trick is to elevate your computer so that the webcam is slightly higher than your face. This avoids unsightly shadows and the appearance of a double chin.

Also remember to plan any digital tools you will use. Need to share documents (Word, PDF) with your recruiter to support your point during your interview? Make sure you have created an account on Dropbox or WeDrop beforehand, or connect to the Gmail Drive, for example. If you are planning to broadcast an online presentation, is a very handy tool to make an original video presentation. You can also use Prezi, or simply import a PowerPoint document.

3. We work on our interview as face-to-face

Just like a face-to-face interview, a videoconference interview must be carefully prepared. Researching the company, its field of activity, its competitors, the position and the missions offered are all elements that prove your interest and the solidity of your approach.

Similarly, it is always useful to prepare your answers to standard questions about your qualities and skills, your personality or your background. Not to mention the questions you want to ask the recruiter! To train and get ready for D-Day, it is even possible to simulate an interview using the Pôle Emploi tool or the APEC tool.

Three mobile apps to help you

  • Mindful Attitude, specially designed for workers, can help you clear your head before the interview, get you in mental condition and be fully relaxed;
  • To stay focused during your preparation, Forest allows you to be disconnected from your smartphone for a limited time;
  • Similarly, SelfControl gives you the ability to block access to certain sites on your computer for a chosen period of time. It's ideal for working efficiently and avoiding distractions while you do your "pre-interview" research!

Little tips that make all the difference

We keep nearby the documents (CV, portfolio, or links to achievements) that the recruiter might wish to receive during the interview; We prepare something to take notes nearby if necessary; Do not forget to send a thank you email to reiterate your motivation.

4. We take care of our appearance

Even in videoconferencing, proper and professional attire remains essential. Clothes influence how you feel:to adopt a professional posture, the outfit must itself be professional. We therefore avoid the shirt on a jogging bottom! Combine, for example, a blouse, a blouse or a sober, plain and not too low-cut top with a black suit jacket. For makeup, keep it simple:an even and luminous complexion gives the impression of good health, with a touch of mascara to open the eyes. For these gentlemen, it is better to bet on the simplicity of a well-cut shirt. Prefer light colors (white, blue, gray), plain or with light patterns.

It is important to ensure that you maintain an unslouched seated posture, because remote interviewing tends to encourage relaxation:standing upright and looking straight at the camera helps capture the interviewer's attention so that he/she is attached to your presentation. Finally, to prove your enthusiasm and your motivation, don't forget to smile, because in addition to seeing each other, they get along!

5. We adapt our speech

The language to be adopted in the interview must be appropriate to the field of activity, and especially to the technical constraints:the flow of voice must be calm and slowed down to compensate for potential lags, but always playful to capture attention. Today, working on your verbal communication and body language can really make all the difference.

62% of recruiters say they are ready to recruit a candidate mainly on their behavioral skills [1] ; more and more of them are very sensitive to the candidate's interpersonal skills in addition to their technical skills.

Finally, attention is drastically reduced by the use of digital tools, so use short and punchy sentences to introduce yourself. And above all, we don't read his notes!

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You now have all the keys to a successful video interview! By following our advice, you put all the chances on your side to pass an interview in the best conditions, and thus convince a recruiter.

