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Work:sitting well can be learned!

Work:sitting well can be learned!

It's 6 p.m. It's time to leave your post and you're stuck in a sitting position! Whose fault is it ? To this back pain that nails you to the spot! You are not alone. In many professions, spending hours sitting at your desk, in front of a computer screen, is not without consequences. It is therefore essential to adopt a good position in order to no longer suffer from back pain. On the occasion of the quality of life at work week, it is important to question your well-being and take care of your mental and physical health. And if adopting a good sitting position was a good start…

Sitting position:why is it so important?

If you neglect your position at work, the consequences can be numerous, both physical and economic. In the event of repetitive movements and poor posture, workers can develop MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders). It is estimated that in France, 15% of employees are affected.

A bad sitting position at work can also lead to a loss of performance, greater absenteeism or even a drop in productivity, because employees have difficulty concentrating. This is why good workstation ergonomics are essential.

Adopt the right gestures

Does your job require you to spend hours sitting on a chair? You must then make sure that you are installed in the best possible position in order to spare your back.

Find the right position

If the ideal position is hard to determine, there are some tips to limit the risk of discomfort. Make sure you always have your feet flat on the ground, or on a footrest if necessary. Your elbow should form a right angle, or slightly obtuse, and your arms should stay close to your body. Finally, your back must be straight or slightly tilted back, resting on the backrest, but above all not leaning forward.

What is the ideal chair?

The chair must be able to adapt to everyone, because we do not have the same needs. Its backrest and seat must therefore be easily adjustable. If it has armrests, they too must be adjustable. The padding should be firm enough to provide good support, and the covering fabric porous for good air circulation.

Working at home, same fight

Increasingly widespread, telework has a large number of advantages, but it also has its limits. At home, people do not necessarily have the equipment required to install an ergonomic workstation. Some find themselves working on a sofa or an armchair and, although it seems comfortable, it is not very good for the back. They can also develop MSDs, as well as neck or low back pain, not to mention carpal tunnel syndrome. Thumb and elbow tendinitis may also appear.

Like in an open space , make sure to set up the most ergonomic workstation possible:sit at a desk, on a chair, feet flat on the ground and back straight.

Back pain, a very common ailment

According to the INRS, the National Institute for Research and Safety, back pain accounts for 20% of work accidents and is the cause of 7% of work-related illnesses. According to a Eurofound survey, 47% of European workers say they have suffered from back pain in the last twelve months. What is called the "evil of the century" would affect 7 out of 10 French people (OpinionWay report).

To know:the exercises to relieve you

To prevent and relieve back pain, there are several simple exercises you can do at home one to three times a week. They will allow you to work your muscles and avoid pain. They can be classified into two main categories.


Posterior back chain :Place yourself on all fours, with your back straight. Raise your arm and opposite leg, keeping your back straight. Hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds and continue with the other side. Repeat the exercise 5 times on each side.

  • Glutes and abdominal muscles :Lie on your back, knees bent at 90°. Raise your buttocks until your body forms a straight line. Hold the position for 5 seconds, and repeat the exercise 15 times.
  • Lateral trunk muscles :Lie on your side with your body weight on your elbow and hand. Raise your pelvis so your body forms a straight line and hold for 2 seconds. Perform the exercise 10 times on each side.


  • Lumbar musculature and hips :Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest, pulling with your hands. When your buttocks are slightly off the ground, hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  • Dorso-lumbar and dorsal musculature :Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out. Lean forward, arms straight, and grab your toes. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds and release. Repeat 8 times.
  • Pyramid muscles :Lie on your back. Place your right heel on your left knee, grab your left thigh and pull it towards you. Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds. Perform the exercise 2 times on each side.

Yes, we can sometimes look a little ridiculous in certain postures, but between that and back pain, your choice will be quickly made. If you prefer to be accompanied in your approach to feeling good, you can also call on Wellness form coaching.

The essential apps

If you like using apps to do your exercises, try Activ'Dos to preserve it on a daily basis, or Mal de Dos, which will provide you with a large number of exercises.

Very disabling, back pain often comes from a bad posture, especially at work. It is therefore essential to install an ergonomic workstation adapted to your own morphology.
