Family Best Time >> Work

Can I be fired if I make personal photocopies at work?

What am I risking, exactly?

At worst, the door! It's already arrived. When you sign an employment contract, you have the obligation to perform it fairly. By using professional tools for personal purposes, we go beyond the scope of our mission. Most companies give a warning before the dismissal if the offense is not repeated or if the gesture is innocuous. Picking up a Bic is fine, robbing the supply closet every 4th of the month to update Léa's kit, no. Ditto if you print a 100-page memoir. But the threshold remains unclear:the penalty depends above all on the club's policy and the judge's assessment.

Duboss has the means to spot me?

Yes. He lends us work tools, he has the right to monitor the use made of them. Everything can be traced:the number of pages we have read on the Web, what we have printed, the phone calls made to surcharged 08s, etc. Duboss also has the right to put cameras in front of the supply closet (if we know about it), but not to search us without our consent.

Thanks to Emmanuel Walle, lawyer, director of the digital social department at Alain Bensoussan.