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Work:3 good back-to-school resolutions

Back to school is here (or not very far away)... It's time to make good work resolutions! The idea is to work better. No more, better. That is to say in a more comfortable and efficient way (without necessarily spending more time on it). Here are 3 reflexes to adopt to do it naturally.

1/ Set goals

Rather than arriving at the office every morning wondering what our day's program will be and determining it according to emergencies, we organize ourselves and we anticipate:at the beginning of each week, we identify priority needs and we makes a list of the resulting tasks. It's the best way to not get overwhelmed with work, and the list has a satisfying side, since you can see that you are moving forward. At the end of the week, we take stock of what has been done and what remains to be done (we can also set longer-term objectives and see their progress).

2/ Keep track of what we've done

At work, it is quite easy to chain projects, files to complete... without ever really stopping. And beyond the feeling of being “under water” (which makes holidays more than necessary), we do not really realize what we are really doing. It is good to take a few minutes regularly to write down what you have done (such a file completed, such a big task carried out, such a project completed, etc.), not only to be able to be a little proud of yourself, but also and above all , to be able to value this with Duboss during our annual interview and/or if we wish to request a promotion or change jobs.

3/ Changing our email habits

E-mails are certainly very useful for communicating with our collaborators, but they have become an activity on which we spend a lot of time (according to a McKinsey report quoted by the Huffington Post, we would be close to 13 hours a week, including one part on our free time), not to mention that each new message distracts us. To avoid this, we set ourselves rules:we deactivate pop-up notifications that tell us the arrival of each message, and we check our mailbox once an hour only. We immediately delete any unnecessary message (=avoid spending hours there every 3 months and polluting) and we respond as quickly as possible to messages, especially those that call for an easy response. This way, we avoid keeping a dozen “unread” emails that stress us out and represent a mental load that prevents us from concentrating on something else.

And you, what are your good work resolutions?