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Why good coffee is a must at work

It's no secret that workplace coffee has a reputation for not really tasting great. That reputation started many years ago when offices opted for those horrible coffee machines that offered not only coffee but also tea, chocolate milk and hot water. But we believe that good coffee is a must at work, and has many benefits. Coffee can cheer people up, make people feel full, and simply improve mood. A professional coffee machine from beans to cup is therefore a must. If you do not want or cannot invest in this, you can always opt for a coffee subscription. A good choice is, for example, a coffee subscription from Gio Coffee. For a low monthly fee you get a high-quality, professional coffee machine, carefully composed coffee beans, and free premium service and maintenance on the coffee machine. This way you always have good and fresh coffee at the office without having to worry about it. Still not convinced? Read on for our 6 reasons to improve your coffee in the office!

1. Coffee improves the bond between colleagues

Building a rapport between employees is not only done by discussing the project you are working on. It is done by connecting with our colleagues as people who have a life outside the office. What better place to catch up on what's happening outside the office than over a cup of coffee?

2. It shows your appreciation for the staff

Retaining employees is not easy these days. Finding small ways to show appreciation for everything your staff does for you and your company can go a long way. A delicious cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate for your employees is a thank you in a cup.

3. Coffee ensures alert and productive staff

The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant. Many studies have shown that coffee has a number of positive effects on the mind. The impact depends on how much coffee is consumed, but in moderation, coffee can make those who drink it more alert and see increased concentration. This, in turn, can increase productivity. Coffee has also been shown to improve performance during repetitive tasks.

4. Good coffee keeps employees on site

Instead of having your employees race to the nearest coffee shop during their breaks, help them save time and money by getting them good coffee at the office. Because let's face it:many people will need their daily dose of caffeine anyway, and a ten or fifteen minute break can last longer if an unforeseen incident occurs. Your employees can save time and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

5. Good coffee makes people happy

Despite all the scientific knowledge about why coffee is good for us, most drink coffee because of how it makes us feel. We drink it because we enjoy the taste and sensation we experience when we drink coffee. In its simplest way, providing good quality coffee to staff is an easy way to give them something they want and enjoy. Happy staff are likely to be more motivated, provide better service to customers and positively impact others around them.

6. Coffee has many health benefits

In addition to improving mood and mental focus, coffee has other health benefits. Research shows that it is an antioxidant, which is good for long-term health. In addition, coffee drinkers have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and dementia, Parkinson's disease, stroke and heart disease. With the numerous health benefits of coffee, all your employees can benefit from a good coffee machine in the office.