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Reasons why rejection can be good for your career

Being turned down for a job, not getting a promotion or being fired can be very upsetting. Especially if you really went for it. It can disrupt your work routine or make you lose your confidence. But everyone is rejected several times, in whatever area. And it sure doesn't feel right at that point. But there is hope. In retrospect, rejection will prove useful. Below are the reasons why rejection can be good for your career.

1. Something better is waiting for you.
How many times in your life have you looked back and realized that the job, relationship, or apartment was not meant to be for you, because something better came later? Everyone has such an experience, so laugh about it!

2. Maybe you think too small.
You may be applying everywhere and constantly networking. That takes a lot of time. Focus on what you really want, and eventually you'll get the perfect job. Those who rejected you will make way for the right people who will eventually hire you.

3. It is rarely personal.
The truth is, most of the time when we're rejected, it's not even about us. The person who rejects us is simply focused on other things. Often what we see as rejection isn't even actually rejection – it's just not the right timing.

4. You learn a lesson and evaluate.
Rejection sometimes helps us evaluate. Maybe you weren't right for that job, so become aware of that and find out what you are good at. Then your next careers will be rewarding, fulfilling and wonderful. Sometimes you need a wakeup call to find out that the work you were doing wasn't meant for you.

5. It makes you empathetic to others.
Experience suffering makes us nicer to others. The next time we have to disappoint someone, we have experienced it ourselves and will probably be much more lenient.

6. What does it matter? You are still alive. The old adage "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" can be true, especially when it comes to rejection. If you look back at the nos and the disappointments you've had in life, on the other hand, you can appreciate the things you've overcome. More rejection is always guaranteed in life. “So who cares?”

So remember this, rejection means nothing at all – in fact it can be a prediction that something wonderful is about to happen, especially if we trust that there is a greater meaning behind it, which will be revealed in time. So if you get rejected – come on! And never give up on your dreams.