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Working part-time, 5 reasons why it works well for me

Reports regularly appear in the media that Dutch women work very much part-time compared to other European countries. This is criticized by some economists, it would cost society money and slow down the economy.

After the birth of my daughter, I also chose to work part-time. And despite the fact that it makes a difference in income, I am very happy with my choice. I am happy that I have had the opportunity to choose this in this society. My career is on the back burner, but I'm still happy with my job. I love it and wouldn't want it any other way! Why did I choose a part-time job? A summary of the most important reasons for me.

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My reasons for working part-time

More time for my child

The main obvious reason is that I can spend more time with my daughter Laura. On my part-time days, I enjoy being able to spend a day without stress with her. Don't stress to get to work on time, just take it easy and just see how the day goes. It's a day that I can spend with her without being constantly called and emailed.

I check my email every now and then and if it is really necessary. Then I'm not afraid to do something for my work. But that's an exception. The day after my day off, it is often extra busy at work, which is a shame. Tomorrow is another day and then I'll just pick it up again!

Less childcare

Because I work part-time, Laura doesn't have to go to childcare as often. And although we are happy with the daycare and she usually enjoys herself, I'm glad we don't have to take her away for more than 2.5 days. This is partly due to my part-time work. In addition, my husband is free on Friday afternoons and Grandpa comes to babysit once every two weeks. It works fine for us and for Laura this is a nice combination of childcare and being at home.

More time to do fun things together

On my days off, I always go do something with Laura that she likes. I could never have imagined before becoming a mother that I would spend so much time in playgrounds, petting zoos and swimming pools. It's time I spend with her who never wanted to miss. Or just go to the library to read books and drink a cup of coffee. Cozy and nice if you don't have to do it all during the busy weekends!

More time for (new) friends

I heard a lot of women say it during my pregnancy:"Just wait, you will definitely get new friends when you have a little one." Well, to be honest, I was quite disappointed.

I don't know if it was me or something else. The first year I was so busy with my baby and the combination of work and being a mother that I was happy to see my current girlfriends every now and then. Only after about a year and a half I was more open to it. And then it turned out that my neighbor a few houses away had a son the same age as Laura. And a daughter with whom it clicked well. Plus, she also had the same part-time day as me. Coincidence?

After a few playdates with our children, there appeared to be a connection between us and a beautiful friendship developed. I don't think I would have spent so many fun times with her and our kids if I had worked full time. The same goes for another friend who is the mother of a three-year-old daughter. I once met her during a training session and later it turned out that our part-time days matched. It clicked and we met again. Drinking coffee, we passed our morning off while our girls played together. She has become a dear friend and I can occasionally bring Laura there if I have an appointment where I have to go. Super nice these mother friendships! And all possible because of working part-time.

And last but least:More time for myself

During my part-time days I am mainly busy with Laura, so doing a lot at home is usually not really possible. But in between I do the laundry, go shopping and cook for us. That means more time for myself in the evening. And I love that. I wouldn't want to miss my yoga night. Just like running and lounging on the couch with tea and a magazine. It makes me a happy and happy mother and that is good for my child. And oh yes, now and then I can sit behind the computer to write some blogs for Mams at Work 😉 .

Other articles that are also interesting to read can be found here:

  • Working at home mother; the advantages and disadvantages at a glance
  • I want to work and my child wonders why the hell?
  • High school disrupts careers for working mothers
  • Working part-time, a step back or forward?

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