Family Best Time >> Work

Hellofresh recipes for the family; Finally thought about the kids too!

A few weeks ago I was at the Brandbazaar where there were x number of brands to get acquainted with. Curious? You will find a small impression in this video that I made. Anyways... I was assigned to a workshop with the cozy crew  of Hellofresh to cook a nice meal with a number of other bloggers and then eat it. Cozy, educational and also very tasty 😉 . The pasta we made tasted so good that I had to restrain myself from eating too much. I can also serve these Hellofresh recipes to my children!

And I don't say this for nothing. A few years ago I used a Hellofresh box to cook from. We were completely crazy about it at the time, but the kids didn't think it was that great. I remember that there was a recipe in the box with, for example, gorgonzola… well. Our children eat quite a lot, but you don't have to serve them recipes with these kinds of things in them. Fortunately, things have changed in the meantime.

Table of Contents

Familybox with tasty Hellofresh recipes

The family box we received from Hellofresh this time was different! The box was provided with 3 Hellofresh recipes with (of course) the accompanying ingredients to put together a delicious meal. A meal where the children - even before they got it on their plate - shouted "Mom, what are we eating, it smells so good!" And they were right, because it smelled wonderful.

The family box that we received to test contained three dishes for 4 people. Or actually I can say for 4-5 people because there was something left over every night 😉 , but hey, I have a good destination for that:my lunch the next day!

  • Chicken thigh pieces with small potatoes and forest mushroom pesto
  • Mini pitas with fish cakes and carrots
  • Orzo with pumpkin, fresh tarragon and pecans

Chicken thigh pieces

I prepared the chicken thigh pieces the first day. That was quite disappointing in terms of time, because the potatoes still had to be washed completely clean and the beans still capped. The recipe card states that the preparation time is 30-35 minutes, but I lost that to the pre-work alone.

What I have to say is that this dish was really delicious! Even Frank - who is anti-mushrooms - liked it very much and the children had their plates empty in no time, check the video with Luc's comment! A recipe that is definitely kept here at home. Next time I will only buy beans that have already been shelled and potatoes that are ready for use and have not just been pulled out of the clay (they were delicious!). Well… working mother huh.

Mini pitas

The fish cakes were a little less popular here. Although the burgers looked very attractive, Luc and Lotte were not thrilled. The carrot from the oven was very good, though. Normally I wouldn't dare to throw so much spice on it, but it was perfect and worth repeating.

Orzo with pumpkin

Before I started I had no idea what Orzo is, but now it is standard in our pantry. Mmmm tasty! This recipe was also delicious and ready a lot faster than the chicken thigh pieces. The pumpkin was already chopped into pieces. And a matter of cutting onions, garlic and tarragon into pieces and the preparation was already done.

Our children were also impressed with this recipe and I was allowed to keep the recipe card 😉 .

What kind of boxes does Hellofresh have?

In addition to the family box, there are even more boxes with tasty Hellofresh recipes. I'll list them for you. I already knew the top 3 boxes myself, but not yet the bottom 3! I am personally also curious about the breakfast box. Variety in breakfast is not my thing… I am not at my best this early in the morning when I have to think and I usually end up with some cottage cheese in front of my nose 😉 .

  • Original box; 3 or 5 meals in a box with fish, meat or vegetarian
  • Veggie box; 3 meals in a box without meat and fish
  • Family box; box for the family with 'edible' recipes for kids
  • Breakfast box; so you don't have to hurt your brain in the morning
  • Fruit box; for the healthy snack
  • Wine box; much-needed vitamins for the evenings

Benefits of Hellofresh

Of course it has advantages to order a box from Hellofresh, otherwise they would have no right to exist. Everyone who chooses this has their own reasons, I will mention a few:

  • you don't have to think about what you are going to eat
  • you have measured amounts so that less disappears in the waste bin
  • you don't have to go out to do the shopping for those days
  • delivery at the time you want
  • you can blame Hellofresh if your kids don't like something 😉

Knowing more? Here you will find more information 

Choose from Hellofresh recipes

In the past, 'not having to think about what you're going to eat' was one of the pros, but also the cons for me. It meant 'eat what the pot is'. But they have found something for that at Hellofresh!

Nowadays you eat what you have chosen. You get the opportunity to choose from a number of dishes per box. With the Family and the Original you can choose from 9 dishes every week and with the Veggie from 5. With this you can still nicely add a bit of choice and leave the recipes that are not to your taste.

I think this is one of the biggest improvements to the concept of the Hellofresh boxes. In addition, they have improved in terms of their membership. There has been quite a bit of commotion about that in the past, but nowadays they have a flexible membership in which you can arrange everything within your account and also cancel easily if you want.

Disadvantages of Hellofresh

One of the disadvantages is that you have to have some basic ingredients at home as standard. I was not aware of that beforehand and almost missed it;). Another disadvantage may be the price for some and the preparation time every now and then for me, but that varies per recipe.

Tip:When you receive the box, immediately check which ingredients you need to have at home. This way you can still take them with you with the standard supermarket round if necessary!

Costs Hellofresh box

Of course, the different boxes also differ in costs. The Familybox we had was for 4 people, with 3 Hellofresh recipes, so food for 3 days. This box costs for 4 adults (so we have a bit too much of that in our family) € 59.00. If you calculate this back to the costs per meal, you arrive at € 4.92 per meal.

Yes, this is probably more expensive than cooking yourself. Are you a budget chef? Then it is better to do your shopping yourself and look at the advertisements, to be sure that you will be cheaper. Are you a convenience person and are you willing to pay for it? Then the recalculated amount turns out not to be such a strange amount.

Compare with the Mac

It is often argued that the Mac is so cheap, and that is why it is so easy to reach for fast food. But let's face it… for € 4.92 you won't get very far there, will you?

Read more?

  • Eating with children, our dinner turned into a warzone!
  • Toddler doesn't want to eat; use our strip card for a good result.
  • Table chat; keep it cozy at the table