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Seniors, the life annuity, have you thought about it? Definition and explanations

Seniors, the life annuity, have you thought about it? Definition and explanations

More and more French people are thinking about life annuity:could it be due to the economic situation? The housing crisis? A fad?

Still, the life annuity attracted more than 7,800 people in 2010, indeed this constantly changing figure simply reflects the interest that the French have in this still unusual real estate purchase system.


The life annuity combines both the sale of a home and the constitution of a life annuity for the benefit of the seller. This annuity is for payment of all or part of its price and ends on the death of the seller.

This simplified definition is still quite academic, we will clarify it with more information, in the following few points.


The seller (also called "annuitant") is the person who sells his home to a buyer (or "annuitant"). For the sale to take place, the two parties must make an agreement, according to which a bouquet as well as life annuities will be evaluated. This contract will finally be validated by a notary. The annuitant will have to pay a lump sum of money to the annuitant every month until the death of the latter. It should be noted that the residence may or may not be occupied for the entire duration of the life annuity (as part of a secondary residence for example).

This system therefore allows the seller to secure additional income and to be able to improve his daily life somewhat. While the main advantage for the purchaser lies in a daring and random bet on the future and the good health of the annuitant. Indeed, as the buyer must pay rents until the death of the owner of the premises he covets, he will always hope to get a good deal, the main objective being for him to stop paying his rents as quickly as possible. possible (on the death of the annuitant).

However, do not be frightened by this system, the law regulates these practices very well, and notaries only validate contracts in good and due form. The monthly annuities as well as the bouquet will be calculated and negotiated according to your age, your health, the value of the borrowing rate (excluding inflation) the amount of capital equivalent to the value of your place of residence. and of course the value of your property. This way, you will be sure to avoid many scams.

Contract nullity measures have been taken, in particular if the seller dies within 20 days following the signing of the deed of sale, if the seller dies quickly from an illness that he had contracted before the ratification of the contract or if life annuities or the value of the initial bouquet are much lower than the value of the price of the property sold.

The life annuity has many advantages for both the beneficiary and the seller, so why not ask for more information and embark on the life annuity adventure?

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