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Progress is possible if you have the right habits in place

One of the worst feelings in the world is being incredibly busy but not making any progress. You fight the good fight, but your approach destroys your health or compromises your well-being. Projects seem to take forever. Progress is too slow. Happiness is always a distant horizon never reached.
Most of us have experienced it at some point. We will end each day with many to-do items crossed off our to-do list, but no overall progress. Yet all along, balance and increased progress were possible if we had the right habits in place.
Sometimes being efficient and ticking off items from a list just isn't enough. Achievement can be hollow if it's not in sync with who we are, what we really want to do, and what we're actually capable of. We need to learn the difference between just getting things done and achieving high performance productivity.
Related: It's the secret force behind all top performers
I study the top performers and have learned that they all have a very deliberate approach in planning their days, projects and tasks in relation to the underperformers. Like most productive people, high achievers score well on statements such as "I'm good at setting priorities and working on what's important" and "I stay focused and avoid distractions and temptations." .

We need to learn the difference between just getting things done and achieving high performance productivity.

When compared to their peers, high achievers are more productive but also happier, less stressed and more rewarded in the long run.
The discovery of happiness is particularly relevant because many people believe they cannot not do more without compromising their well-being or balance. But that is simply not true. Top performers have found a way to produce more but also eat healthier, exercise more, and always feel more love for taking on new challenges than their peers. And they don't just do more work in the sense that they put things together in a sloppy way – top performers complete more activities and report being more focused on excellence than their peers.
Nothing it's not all because high achievers are superhuman or overly caffeinated. Nor is it because of the wellness ideals that we often sell today to become more productive. Believing that you are giving more than your peers or making a difference can certainly increase your sense of motivation and satisfaction, but it doesn't always lead to increased productivity. Just because you're a giver doesn't mean you're good at prioritizing or avoiding distractions.
Givers may feel a lot of heart, but they don't always finish what they start. So how come top performers produce more but also maintain wellness and balance? That's because they've cultivated many deliberate habits over the years that increase their productivity.
Reviewing over 20 years of research, I've found that if you feel more productive , you are more likely to feel happier, more successful and more confident. You're also more likely to take better care of yourself, get promoted more often, and earn more than people who feel less productive. These are not my opinions; these are important and measurable life outcomes that we have found in multiple surveys and studies.
In my coaching experience, it's clear that top performers are also the most valued and highest paid people in an organization. Companies want high-performing and productive leaders because they are focused, handle tasks well, and are more often successful in seeing projects through to completion. They are less overwhelmed and work longer on their goals, with more joy and camaraderie than others.
Mastering our ability to establish good habits and be more productive has a lasting impact. And we all have it in our power to begin with.
Related: Brendon Burchard's High Performance Habits

Adapted from the book by Brendon Burchard High Performance Habits:How Extraordinary People Become That Way; Hay House; September 2017.