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3 Ways to Find the Right Company Culture for You

I always wanted to work somewhere that had fun:lots of laughs and smiling faces, an open door policy, people working together. In short, I wanted to work in a place that I could call home. In the 80s, when I was working for a frozen pizza brand, I set out to find my ideal company culture – one in which I knew I would thrive. I carefully observed how the behaviors and communication habits of District Leaders created cultures in their neighborhoods.
When I was promoted to District Leader at age 26, I was able to use my observations to begin to build the specific culture I wanted to be part of and to provide those around me. Since then, I have been managing the cultures of my companies.
According to the Gallup “2017 State of the American Workplace” report, only about half of professionals are currently working. Company culture drives engagement, and engaged employees are more productive, happier, and feel empowered to perform at optimal levels. As a result, they are more likely to succeed later. I certainly noticed it when I was looking for new jobs in my life. I think company culture is the number one driver of employee success.
Related: 3 ways I created a culture of passion
But company culture is not unique. You need to decide which style will best boost your engagement and keep you motivated to succeed. Here are the different work environments I have encountered throughout my career:
• Competitive Culture
When I worked in the pizzeria, the highly competitive cultures were the easiest to recognize. Competitive leaders believe that success is entirely theirs. They tend to believe that they are not winning, they are losing and they take care of themselves first. It was the managers who attracted the salespeople who wanted to be No. 1 in the neighborhood – and who wanted it at all costs. Anything less than an all-out drive to be at the top meant you probably wouldn't survive. Managers fired their least productive employees every 12 months if they couldn't force them out first.
While this competitive culture was fascinating for thrill seekers, it also created an environment mistrustful. Everyone was working against each other and the district managers encouraged competition. People who lead this way may be successful in the short term, but over time the culture of competition will instill fear in employees – whether it's fear of being fired or fear of not measuring up – and that equals low employee trust and ultimately low retention. In fact, 43% of employees say they would quit their current job if environments became too competitive.
• Hands-off culture
If you tend to think people put too much pressure on themselves and your priorities aren't money and success, you'll feel right at home in a hands-off culture. At the pizzeria, the neighborhood leaders who cared the most about themselves, their families, and their jobs built that kind of culture.
They didn't micromanage their salespeople or push them to compete; they just let them do their own thing. It was good and bad:While they didn't encourage toxic competition, these managers tended to have a "do your job to make me look good" mindset and didn't put in much effort in the management of their work.
It created a culture where mediocrity reigned supreme. There was minimal pressure to succeed, and no one pushed anyone. This "culture" was really more of an absence of culture. District managers rarely showed up on their territory, mostly kept in touch by phone, and often rewarded employees with perks such as dinner or parties when they did well. No one really grew up in this culture.
• Collaborative Culture
In a collaborative culture, managers put their people first – and I most admired the district managers who built this kind of culture. They visited all territories equally (even the less profitable ones) and went to beat their employees if a corporate goal was unachievable or if they needed extra promotional time. They refused to fire good workers, even if it meant putting their own jobs on the line.
A collaborative culture is one that builds trust and support among all employees. According to the “Slack Future of Work Study”, 91% of employees want to feel more connected to their colleagues. A collaborative culture is built on connection. When your colleagues and managers are committed to helping their loved ones succeed, it means more success for the company as well as the individuals within it.
When I became a district manager at the pizzeria and I started to create the culture on my own, I focused on this style. And since then I have stayed with it. For more than 25 years now, I have installed a culture of collaboration in my current company. My company's leadership team is committed to our company values ​​of integrity, knowledge, care, communication and commitment to create a company where we balance our reputation, the needs of our agents and the happiness of our clients.
Those who value support in their careers and want to collaborate rather than compete are attracted to this type of culture. They are people who want to be part of something bigger than themselves, who value shared leadership and raise the voices of others.
Finding your cultural partner
When exploring new possibilities of employment, how can you assess the true culture of a company? It sounds like a difficult task, but it may actually be easier than you think. I find the easiest and most accurate way to get a good review on this is to visit the company in person. Ask to tour the office during your visit and take mental notes of things that interest you.
For example, what are people's workspaces like? Are they messy, fun, rigidly organized? If office spaces seem sterile and have very few personal touches, you've probably found a competitive culture, where employees tend to focus more on one-to-one to outdo each other than creating a warm space. and welcoming. Workspaces in interactive and collaborative cultures will vary in the same way:some are sparsely decorated and others loaded with personal touches.
Also be sure to listen or talk to employees you see during your visit. If the space is completely silent, it is more likely to be a competitive atmosphere than a collaborative one. Conversely, if it seems a little too flashy and fuzzy, the culture might be a little too Don't touch.
Even the front desk clerks can give you a great idea of ​​what it's really like to work at the company. Of course, they are welcoming when you first enter the building, but stay five minutes to see if they still give you the same smile. Listen carefully when they answer the phone and chat with other employees.
Pay attention to what you hear, see and, most importantly, feel as you walk through the office. It may not be a tangible measure, but the “vibe” of a place goes a long way in displaying its true personality. In my experience, the feeling you get when you first walk into an office is usually okay.
Related: How to Improve Company Culture as a New Employee
Here are three steps to help you find the company with the perfect culture for you:
1. Know yourself.
It's hard to change your personality. Simply because you want being in a collaborative culture doesn't mean you actually fit into it. I once interviewed someone who had a reputation for being competitive, muscular, and hard to work with. I approached her during her interview and she expressed her desire to change saying that she wanted to work with our office because of our reputation for working with other offices.
She wanted to change her image and she believed we could help. Although we worked hard at it – and I think she did too – it proved too difficult for her to change who she was, and she moved on. Know yourself well enough to choose a culture that suits you and everyone will be happier. Take the time to reflect on yourself and also ask your friends for their opinion. You may not think you're very competitive, but those closest to you might have a different opinion!
2. Check the company's footprint.
Research the company – and I'm not just talking about service lines or revenue forecasts. Take a look at potential employers' websites and social networks to understand how they present themselves and how they interact with others online.
If you value a sense of humor, for example, assess whether your potential employer has the same values ​​by browsing his social media pages. If you get 10 in-depth posts and see nothing but sales content full of industry jargon, chances are the company isn't right for you. A few articles can tell you whether you are looking for a business that values ​​laughter or a business that values ​​revenue alone.
3. Buy someone's lunch.
If you know someone at a company you're looking for, network and invite them to lunch. If you don't know anyone there, this step will require you to go out on a limb, but it will be worth it. Research the company to find employees who do what you want them to do. Then contact him via LinkedIn or email. Tell them you want to know more about the company and invite them to meet you somewhere near the office.
Don't bombard individuals, but be prepared with questions that will help you determine if the culture suits you. If you're someone who enjoys chatting with co-workers, for example, ask if employees spend time together outside of the office. If you like to flex your creative muscles, ask if employees are allowed to decorate their cubicles. Don't look past the little things.
Bottom line? Listen to your cultural instincts. I successfully recruited new employees who told us that our office “felt great” when they walked in – and that's how they knew they wanted to work with us. The vibe of a company is hard to miss if you pay attention to the right things.