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3 key behaviors to bring your self to work

Professionals around the world find themselves at a crossroads:we met at the intersection of emerging technical disruption and the future of work.

It is a busy and chaotic place. Some naysayers are waving warning banners, convinced that technology will end our usefulness and purpose. But my predictions for tomorrow are much brighter.

That's not to say their concerns aren't valid. Technology can be used in harmful ways, no doubt. But it also gives humanity the opportunity to flourish like never before:its connectivity allows us to meet at this crossroads and determine the right next step. And I hope more people will choose the road that leads to true personal and professional happiness. Why? Everyone can leverage technology to align with their passion.
In fact, it's already happening. Record labels unearthed and eventually signed YouTube singers, artists sold their work on online marketplaces, authors of self-published Amazon books hit the New York Times »From the bestseller list. the stories go on and on.
They are all a testament to technology's ability to turn a hobby into a legitimate business. More importantly, they are signs that even among something as vast and ubiquitous as the Internet – accompanied by the feeling that we are all drifting apart a bit – we are still able to find connections, passions and happiness within.
At my consulting organization, we don't just talk about the mechanics of starting and scaling businesses. We encourage leaders to see their true identity more clearly by exploring relationships with family, friends and colleagues. Additionally, we encourage them to embrace self-awareness and fears. It gives a better sense of how to achieve balance in everything they do.
If you're itching to bring your whole self to work (and life), don't stop at crossroads. The way to reimagine and reinvent your experiences – personally and professionally – is to adopt and refine three key behaviors:
1. Practice authenticity.

To bring your heart, mind, and soul to work, let go of everything that holds you back from being authentic. But know that authenticity doesn't just mean being true to you; it also requires enough self-awareness to understand how others see you.
What does this look like in practice? A manager I work with reviewed and challenged a direct report. The manager fell so hard that his employee walked out the next day. Although the manager thought he was practicing authenticity, he was not overall authentic. He had not taken into account the perception that others had of him. Going forward, I suggested he think about whether he's experiencing too much abrasion and then adjust accordingly.
I'm still working on it myself. More recently, my wife noticed a minor hiccup of authenticity in me:
“Look in the mirror when you say certain things,” she said.
“What do you want to say? I asked.
“Just watch how your expressions change as you animate. You look angry when, in fact, you're just excited.
She was right. In and of itself, I was animated on a subject, but on the surface, I looked completely insane. I also encourage others to practice this mirror maneuver. Watch your reflection and watch how your expressions change during certain emotions or conversations. Pay attention to how you come out; it's ultimately how others see you.
We all have blind spots. Yet, if we don't practice all aspects of authenticity, we cannot build trust. Without trust, people will not accept constructive criticism or seek to improve. The only way employees will accept your words is if the promise of always having your back exists behind them. Immense loyalty will follow.
And if you plan to embrace the internet and its ability to guarantee success, authenticity is paramount. Consider the unexpected success of mom and recovering drug addict Tiffany Jenkins. To date, her YouTube channel has nearly 150,000 subscribers, and it's not because she's a celebrity staple, Olympian, or CEO. She's just as authentic as can be. Jenkins is candid about her past drug addiction and even more candid about her chaotic and funny life as a mother and wife. Because she's honest about her struggles, successes, and fears, people are naturally drawn to her.
As author and psychologist Karissa Thacker notes, "People follow authenticity . They are looking for him. »
2. Present the vulnerability.

At staff meetings, I openly share some of my struggles and successes. For this reason, the other members of the team know that they too can put themselves forward. Namely yourself, you need to be known to others:that means bringing more than just your functional content to the leadership table; you need to open the window to who you are as a person.
Being vulnerable also requires valuing the vulnerabilities of others, even if they don't talk about it. Here's the big secret no one talks about:Everyone you talk to is probably carrying a difficult burden. Help people learn to accept and define their own vulnerabilities by accepting yours.
Unfortunately, today's technology and social platforms make it all too easy to hide behind photos of food or selfies of perfectly Instagram holiday, removing any hope of showing our true vulnerable selves. So, by showing your own vulnerability – warts, weaknesses and worries – it gives others “permission” to do the same. As humans, we are meant to be known and seen, but few leaders model that or provide a place to share. A shared connection is the foundation of effective conflict and ultimate business results.
In her famous TEDxHouston Talk, renowned researcher Brené Brown explored the value of vulnerability. In his research, vulnerable people saw emotion as both necessary and beautiful. Brown herself views vulnerability as proof of life. And while it can be difficult to take risks without guarantees, it puts you in a position to be seen for who you are. This feeling at work provides tremendous strength and improves your ability to focus and make sound decisions.
3. Practice awareness – specifically “react versus react.”
When someone challenges me, my initial reaction is defensive. But I practice getting out of the moment and pausing:what reactivity triggers am I experiencing? This is a key space; it's the time between seeing my own responsiveness and developing a thoughtful response.
I'll ask myself, "Why am I physically reacting like this?" Is this something I hear true? Many times what people say harshly has a grain of truth. Their comments may be mostly fake, but the nugget of honesty may come in handy down the road. Responding with kindness, calm, and appreciation helps you determine which nuggets to own or change.
Granted, technology has made it harder to feel love. On social networks, we only show our organized faces, which manipulate perception. It's hard not to feel envious of other people's "perfect" lives, but those images are not the reality. We all face trials, and now is the time when we need others to see each other. Not devoting ourselves entirely to our creative work only makes our personal and professional lives more difficult, preventing us from enjoying our chosen roles.
Tomorrow will come, but we don't have to be afraid of it. If we approach our work with authenticity, vulnerability and awareness, the future holds unimaginable possibilities. We all have a choice to make:live and work in isolation and fear, or embrace abundance and live as ourselves. What will you choose?