If your child is in primary school, you think that 'working less' is only a temporary thing, but nothing could be further from the truth. You are mistaken if you think that you will have more time left when your child goes to secondary education.
Working less seems to be the trend among parents with children going to secondary education. Or at least a lot of parents view it differently these days. A few years ago, you thought that the good time would come when your child goes to secondary education… now you know better. Children going to secondary education still desperately need your help. A while back I wrote a piece about learning to learn. Because that's what they have to learn, among other things 😉 .
One child is not the other naturally. There are children who go through secondary education in their slippers, but the majority of children need extra attention just then. A lot is changing for children who have finished primary school and who work less, therefore seems to be the best step for some parents to be able to guide their child well in the puberty years.
We are already starting to notice clearly that the evenings are no longer 'ours'. My son is in the last year of primary school but has been hanging around downstairs in the evenings for significantly longer than our 6-year-old daughter. Logical too, but that also has an impact on your time. We still work quite a bit in the evenings, but that will only come after my son has finished his homework. Fortunately, my husband also pays attention to this and we can divide the tasks, but next year this will certainly not be less. Now working less with your own company is not what is at the top of the list, but every now and then some time for myself would be nice 😛 . So that will be a few more years of waiting!
How about you? Are you going to work less, or do you expect your child to be able to manage it all alone in secondary education? In any case, read what you are entitled to if you are thinking about working less.