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10 steps to break the rut in your work

For most of us, a successful career is one of those life goals that align exactly with a good relationship, children, a home and a car at your doorstep. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. More and more, well-educated people find themselves in a rut at work, for various reasons. If you are one of those people, the 10 steps below can help you break out of the rut.

1. Become aware of your thoughts. Realize that if you constantly look forward to Friday, that tells you what your life is like right now. What does this mean to you?

2. Think about the culture in your workplace. Does everyone want it to be Friday? Be aware that the attitude of others does not influence you.

3. Make a list of what you really enjoy about the weekend. Try to think of ways you can add the fun of the weekend to the weekdays.

4. Dream big:Think about what job would make you jump out of bed on Monday morning.

5. Take one small step toward that dream job. For example, if you want to write a book, start writing something down tonight.

6. Determine where that dissatisfaction comes from. Is part of your dissatisfaction with the job because of the way you take care of yourself? Nourish your mind and body during the week for better well-being.

7. Become aware of the moment and ask, “What is good about this moment?” “What can be thankful for?”

8. Evaluate your reasons for telling yourself you can't escape the work you do. Challenge those beliefs.

9. Get Inspired:Know that there are people who love the work they do. Instead of feeling jealous, let this be a lesson and an inspiration. This means that keeping work is possible.

10. Imagine:Visualize an ideal day in your enjoyable work life where you no longer feel the need to escape.