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Work:what are the advantages of open space

Open space:what is it?

The open space, or “open space” in French, represents an area without partitions where employees can work. Thought out by the Schnell brothers, of German origin, at the end of the 1950s, then quickly expatriated to the United States, the open space convinced nearly 60% of French companies who therefore adopted this type of layout. If some employees fear the open space, many advantages remain.

Benefits for the employer

Before discussing the benefits of open space for employees, employers may have a lot to gain. Indeed, the open space is above all a significant space saving, with 10 to 40% of space saved. This solution can therefore generate savings on the rental or purchase of offices. Also, for the manager, the open space makes it possible to be closer to his employees while promoting team spirit, often beneficial to the performance of the company.

Benefits for employees

On the side of the employees, the advantages are also numerous. Indeed, the open space favors in particular the exchange and the communication between the collaborators, and a good general understanding. Like living in a shared apartment, the open space encourages employees to take the best of everyone, and is conducive to innovative ideas and progress. Exchanges are faster and therefore more efficient. Similarly, newcomers find it easier to integrate into open space since the flow of exchanges is greater.

Be aware of the risks

Enjoying the benefits of open space also means being aware of the risks that this space can generate. Indeed, if the cordial exchange is favored, be careful not to fall into excess. For efficiency within the company, it is better to rationalize requests, in order to avoid annoying or distracting colleagues. Also, the loss of privacy is often the most common inconvenience in an open space. That said, there are various ways to personalize your space, with an adequate layout adapted to the general open space. Personalized storage, a small plant, personal supplies or wall frames, there is no shortage of ideas to add your personal touch to your office, without encroaching on the space of your neighbours.

How to behave in open space?

Enjoying the benefits of open space also means knowing the appropriate behavior to adopt in this type of space. Indeed, for a good general understanding with your colleagues, for example, lower your voice and the ringtone of your telephone by a semitone, favor partitioned spaces for personal calls or extensive exchanges with your colleagues, while thinking of do not disturb your neighbors every 2 minutes. These small gestures make it possible to optimize the work, while making it efficient.