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Burn-out:how to prevent burnout?

Burnout is an insidious process.

It's often the same story:everything is fine. Pauline is assigned a lot of additional work. Conscientious, she strives to achieve the objectives set by management. She spends more and more hours at work, sacrifices her weekends and sports activities. She loses a few pounds without realizing it, becomes irritable, and feels overwhelmed by stress. And one day, she cracks! Crisis of tears and desire to dump everything! Burn-out – literally “burning from the inside” – is an increasingly common form of professional exhaustion. It is therefore important to be vigilant and to monitor your state of stress so as not to sink into a spiral. Chronic stress is one of the predominant causes of burnout:the body constantly feels in danger and the individual no longer has any self-confidence.

A feeling of intense malaise precedes burnout.

By dint of spending your energy working more than necessary and forgetting to take time for yourself, many women victims of burnout are physically and psychologically exhausted. Indeed, one of the symptoms of this pathology is intense fatigue! It is therefore important to listen to your body. Not forgetting yourself is essential! You have to take your own limits into account and think about resting. Burnout can affect anyone, especially perfectionists. It is therefore necessary to know how to detect the moment when the work is no longer fulfilling, but becomes a real ordeal. When the individual undergoes a mass of information to process every day, the work gradually becomes meaningless. Illness can be identified through specific elements:the phone ringing, the many emails to deal with, colleagues who shoot you in the legs...

Not forgetting yourself is essential to avoid burnout.

As in a romantic relationship, it is important never to forget yourself in the professional setting. Taking a step back and wondering if work takes up too much space in our lives is already a first step! Then, you have to ask yourself what your work brings you and what are the moments or tasks that fulfill you the most. The idea is to question yourself and then learn to balance the difficult moments and the fulfilling moments. Finding the right balance is the key to rewarding work! To avoid burnout, take breaks throughout the day and avoid skipping lunch. Being stuck behind your computer can fuel burnout, so don't hesitate to get some fresh air and walk. In a word, don't be a prisoner of your office chair, take time for yourself and above all don't underestimate yourself!