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Treatment of burnout:how to treat it?

You shouldn't face a burnout alone.

Tell yourself one thing, you won't be able to do it alone! Faced with such an ordeal and the suffering that is a burn-out, help is essential to heal. Do not be afraid to talk about the situation to those around you. It is important that you feel supported. Your friends, your partner or your family are there to help you. Then, psychotherapeutic support is strongly recommended to start treatment. You need to put words to what happened. A psychologist can help you start this work. You need to establish a relationship of trust with him. Do not hesitate to change it if it does not really suit you. The more comfortable you are, the more you can talk about certain topics.

You have to be careful with the treatment prescribed to cure burnout.

In some patients, the burnout can be very violent and be accompanied by a phase of acute depression. In these cases, a suicidal risk may arise. It is therefore necessary to be in contact with a doctor, a psychologist or a psychiatrist to face this difficult moment and to feel surrounded. In addition, many treatments abound and some can be dangerous. You have to be suspicious and not rely on fanciful alternatives:essential oils, meditation, various plants... Be careful! Always ask your doctor for advice, as some misuse distress to fuel a lucrative market. In addition, the personal and professional entourage must be benevolent and attentive so as not to fall into over-medicalization.

It is recommended to accompany the treatment of burnout with rest.

After having cracked, comes the time to rest. A burn-out must be taken seriously and like any pathology, it takes time to heal and heal. The first essential step to get back on your feet is to stop working for several days as part of a sick leave. Depending on the severity, the patient may stop working for two to three months. This moment is necessary to rest, relax and gradually regain self-confidence. The treatment will also have time to take effect. Then, do not return to the office as if nothing had happened! It is best to start working again gradually. We often recommend an intermediate phase with a part-time arrangement that will evolve over time. There are treatments that have proven their effectiveness with many patients! The most important thing is to consult a doctor to be guided in this reconstruction!