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Burn-out:definition of this occupational disease

How to define burnout?

According to the World Health Organization, burnout is defined as "a feeling of intense fatigue, loss of control and inability to achieve concrete results at work". This professional exhaustion appeared for the first time in 1969 among people working mainly in the medical and social environment. In direct contact with the public and difficult life journeys, some people felt emotionally overwhelmed. Today, all walks of life and all categories of workers are affected by burnout. Unlike depression, which can be linked to multiple factors, burnout is necessarily linked to work! The person is then in a state of chronic stress on a daily basis!

More and more people affected by burnout!

It's the evil of the century, say some doctors. For the past 20 years, many people have been complaining about work-related problems. But beware, burnout is not a small temporary drop in diet. It is a phenomenon that strikes you down when it appears! It insidiously interferes in your work, then it influences your daily morale, to knock you out when you least expect it! Some women fainted, others left a meeting... When the burnout is there, it's the body that talks and says it can't anymore! Each of us can be affected by this pathology, and not only the most fragile. On the contrary, the bosses and the perfectionists are very vulnerable, because they give themselves very difficult goals to achieve. When the goals are impossible to achieve, the body takes over to tell you stop!

Chronic stress at the heart of burnout!

With the emergence of new technologies and increased competitiveness, many people feel stress when leaving for work every morning. The definition of burnout is characteristic of chronic stress, i.e. high daily stress. The latter can be linked to a lack of recognition by the employer in relation to the efforts, a bad atmosphere between colleagues or a lack of communication. People with low self-esteem are even more vulnerable! Unfortunately, burnout is not recognized as a disease in its own right. It falls into the category of adjustment disorder. Thus, it is therefore difficult to establish a clear and precise definition. However, many doctors and psychologists are committed to having this pathology recognized in order to best help each patient!