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Office:how to behave in an open space

Office:how to behave in an open space?

Working in an open space requires a few rules to promote good understanding between employees. If the space allocated to each is important, the behavior of each employee is just as important. How to behave in open space? Here are our answers.

Remember that you are not alone

Despite delimited spaces, the open space is indeed an open space. Thus, to promote a good understanding and work in the best conditions, one thing is certain:remember that you are not alone. Lower your voice a semitone when on the phone, and avoid the loudspeaker. Your phone itself can also tune itself so that it doesn't ring loudly. For any personal call, favor more intimate spaces within the office, or your break times. Also, for complicated calls or during a negotiation phase, do not hesitate to isolate yourself. Similarly, for videos seen or sounds listened to via your computer, it is better to use headphones, rather than having derogatory remarks from your colleagues.

Respect the privacy of employees

The main fear of employees when they join an open space:their privacy. Of course, having collaborators on each side does not promote calm and intimacy. However, if everyone respects certain rules of common sense, discretion is assured within the zone. Like a relationship of trust, respecting privacy goes both ways. If you don't tend to stare at the screen next door, your colleague won't. If this happens, do not hesitate to let him know, in a cordial way, or if this "intrusion" becomes too heavy, to talk about it with your manager. In addition, discretion in places of passage is essential to an efficient and cordial open space. Avoid confusing the corridors with the break rooms, hubbub can quickly turn into conflict, especially at the end of the day, when fatigue can be felt.

Promote relevant exchange

It's obvious:open space office life promotes exchange and communication, and has many other advantages. That said, abuse can quickly become noticeable. So, make sure that your collaborators are available to exchange, while thinking of rationalizing the exchanges for a relevant communication. You should also know that being interrupted at any time is never beneficial for your work. For a more in-depth discussion, do not hesitate to isolate yourself with your interlocutor, so as not to disturb other employees. Also, the arrivals of each in the morning may vary. A simple hello can be enough, but is also essential to the good understanding of the team.