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Clear Space, Clear Mind – Office Organization Tips

We've all heard the saying "a clear space, a clear mind".

But what does that actually mean?

Well, it's quite simple – the more cluttered the space around you, the more you have to think (or worry).

This can apply to your personal or professional life.

For the purposes of this blog however, I will focus on professional life. So here are some tips for office organization – so you can finally cut the clutter once and for all.

Have great clearance

When I started my work, I was amazed at how much space there was on my desk. A quick look around me told me that probably wouldn't be for very long. Everyone else's desk was covered in paper, stuffed animals, photos of loved ones, tissues and all sorts of paraphernalia. Sure enough, a few weeks later, mine was just as messy. But did I make the effort to do something about it? Of course, I didn't - I was too busy doing my job. So many people make this mistake and let things pile up – it's no wonder we're all so stressed out all the time. I didn't know what to focus on first. So I advise you to set aside some time (perhaps a Friday afternoon) and go through everything on your desk well. If you don't need it, throw it away – but maybe check first that it's not confidential data (if so, you should shred it, rather than putting it directly in the trash).

Invest in a tidy desk

Having a tidy desk is great – I have a few trays, so I can separate paper or notepads however I like. I tend to put important items in the bottom bin, out of sight, and leave the items I'm currently working on in the top bin. And once I'm done working on those items, I make the decision to shred them or throw them away. Plus, and I probably shouldn't let you talk, the bottom shelf is also great for stashing some sweets – I like to get myself from time to time.

Desk drawers give you more space

Many office workers consider their office a second home, mainly because they spend so much of their day sitting on it. If that sounds familiar, you'll probably need a little more space to store your lunch, other snacks, gym bag, whatever. A set of desk drawers can give you that space, without taking up a lot of space. Simply tuck the drawers under a corner of your desk and you'll have easy access to whatever you've stored in them – remember that banana – moldy fruit tends to leave an unpleasant smell.

Storage units are a godsend

Maybe you have more than just an office – if you're a senior member of staff, you can have an office. I'm willing to bet you have more than enough paperwork to fill out this room. This is where larger storage units become more common and necessary than just desktop storage. You can further sort your files by organizing them using bank boxes or box files. Fill your storage units with a few of each type and label them clearly. This way, whenever you need something, you'll be able to locate it immediately.
Do you have any tips for easily organizing your desk?

Photo credit :Cornelia Kopp