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Simple organization tips to increase your productivity at work

At work, we spend a lot of time looking for things that we have lost or moved, resulting in a great deal of time being unproductive and losing the boss's money. So here are some simple organizational tips that will not only save you some time, but will also help you become more organized and productive at work.

A place for everything and everything in its place – by having a designated place for supplies and other frequently used items, you should always be able to quickly and easily find the things you are looking for.

Throw, Recycle, Donate – Throw away or recycle what doesn't work, and donate what you don't need, don't want or don't use.

Go vertical – If you use something often, keep it nearby. But if you only use it occasionally, put them on shelves or wall-mounted file folders.

Label, Label, Label – Labeling not only helps you stay more organized, it also helps others function more independently in your workspace. So start labeling!

Create a conference box – Never find what you need for a meeting? Consider creating a designated bin in your workspace for upcoming meetings. When you find or think of something you need for your next meeting, put it in the bin. When the time is right for the meeting, most or everything you need will be in one place.

Create a “pending” folder – such a folder helps you keep your desk tidy and centralize planned projects. Create an e-mail folder like this.

Have a notebook handy – Keep a notebook to keep track of phone messages. You can also use it to write down important notes and reminders during phone calls. This way you have an overview of all your calls and conversations in one place.

Get your desk in order before you leave – Not only can a disorganized desk become a constant source of stress, it can also cause important tasks to get lost in chaos and clutter. If you clean up your desk an hour before you leave, you not only discover a task you forgot, you still have plenty of time to get it done.