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10 tips for organizing your desk for efficient work

As we know, a badly ordered office, poorly maintained or without suitable lighting in particular, is detrimental to good concentration and therefore to efficient work. However, by adopting basic rules that are easy to implement, even if they require a minimum of rigor, it is very easy to organize your workstation to promote maximum productivity. Our 10 tips to apply to better organize your office.

Tip #1:Sort regularly

The main problem on a desk is the accumulation of papers, files, small equipment, etc. The workstation can even become a real shambles. However, even if the concept of order and disorder differs from one individual to another, it is clear that an office without mountains of papers or files is more conducive to reflection and clear ideas.

The best way not to pile up too many papers on a desk is of course to process them as they arrive. Simple to say, but not necessarily to do! So when the damage is done, you have to sort it out. To eliminate all that is superfluous, ask yourself the question of when you needed this or that file or paper. If the answer dates back a long time, you can safely get rid of it. Remember to check if these are not documents that you must keep for a minimum period. In that case, archive them.

Do not forget to also sort through your small equipment. Check that your pens, staplers, paper clips, etc. are working properly. Keep only your small supplies in good condition. Repair any that can be repaired or discard them.

Tip n°2:Equip yourself with a functional trash can

At the time of recycling, a trash can holds its place in an office. It is also called "desktop trash". Proof that it is essential.

To fulfill its role well, the wastepaper basket must first be located within reach, near the desk, in order to be able to quickly get rid of the superfluous which, in the long term, clutters the workstation. It must then be functional by offering intelligent sorting. Provide a special paper bin, another special plastic or reserved for non-recyclable objects for example. You can also equip yourself with small paper shredders for all the important documents that it is better not to throw away.

Tip n°3:multiply the storage and storage modules

A clean office is synonymous with efficient work. Storage and storage modules are therefore essential elements. The more you multiply them, the less difficult it will be for you to find your way around.

Opt for example for small transparent plastic boxes that you will have on your desk. At a glance, and without wasting time looking, you will have pens, scissors or other small office supplies at your fingertips. The transparent document trays can also allow you to arrange documents to be processed quickly, for example.

No desk without drawers… But on condition that these drawers are as functional as possible. Equip them with small plastic storage compartments to organize their interior as well as possible.

Also think about archiving your documents. Specific boxes, for example, are sold commercially to rationalize their storage as best as possible. Usually equipped with tabs to classify your files by theme, they help you find them quickly.

Connected objects are now fully part of the world of work. Who hasn't experienced the stress of not finding their phone charger on their desk full of objects of all kinds? Today, there are specific and very practical storage compartments to store this equipment in the best possible way and above all to find it quickly.

Tip #4:Organize your desktop into work zones

To work efficiently and without wasting time, you can organize your office into work zones. For example, dedicate part of your workstation to files that must be treated as a priority. Or, delimit another part for those whose treatment is in progress.

For such an organization, help yourself with labels where you will mention the subjects or the due dates of the documents to be processed or in progress.

Also remember to equip yourself with a bulletin board where you can put your sticky notes. So you can play with colors and see at a glance your priorities and the work you have to do.

Tip #5:Use an agenda

Whether in paper or electronic format, the agenda is one of the essential elements for working efficiently. First, it allows you to not miss any appointment. But it also helps to jot down and group all the sticky notes, without the risk of losing them, just like to-do or project lists.

The diary contributes to better time management by also offering an overview of events and upcoming work.

Tip #6:Foster a work-friendly environment

No office conducive to effective work without an adequate environment. Lighting is one of the elements that should not be overlooked. Especially since screen work, which is becoming more and more popular, requires a particular light so as not to deteriorate your eyesight, but also to concentrate for a long time and feel as little fatigue as possible. This is why an office must be sufficiently lit, especially if it does not benefit from outside light.

Furniture should not be neglected either. An office chair, for example, must be perfectly suited to work to avoid back pain in particular and thus remain productive as long as possible, without discomfort.

Tip 7:don't neglect the decoration

The decoration of an office contributes greatly to the well-being of its user and therefore helps him to provide a more efficient work. This decoration is all the more favorable to concentration and productivity as it is personalized. Do not hesitate to cover your walls with your favorite colors or hang here and there posters or personal photos that bring back good memories. Small decorative objects that you have chosen will also allow you to work in a pleasant and soothing atmosphere.

Tip 8:think about green plants

Green plants have soothing and de-stressing properties. The color green is indeed recognized in particular to promote creativity. Arranging greenery in your office thus contributes to creating a less cold and balancing atmosphere, provided you maintain them as little as possible.

Tip #9:Regularly clean your desk

To feel good at your workplace, cleanliness is essential. Remember to clean your desk regularly to remove stains from coffee cups, crumbs from sandwiches, etc. It is also a way to show that you are committed to working in a healthy environment and to give a good image to colleagues or customers.

Tip #10:Tidy up your desk every night

Tidying up your office before leaving it at night seems to be a basic rule. Unfortunately not always applied. However, sorting and clearing your workstation once the day is over allows you to arrive the next day in an orderly and uncluttered place, conducive to productivity.