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Tips for a smooth return to work

Tips for a smooth return to work

It's back to school! With the end of the holidays and widespread vaccination, many companies are taking the decision to call their employees back to face-to-face after a long period of teleworking. But, it is not so simple for many employees who are apprehensive about the start of the new school year.

With the gradual return to the company, many legitimate questions may arise:has the company set up an organization adapted to a context of health crisis? How can you be sure not to bring the Coronavirus home? How to readapt to the corporate world after months of working remotely? To answer these questions and relearn how to live together in the office, we support and guide you by giving you our best advice for a peaceful return to work.

Fear of returning to work:the cabin syndrome

Having to go back to work is not easy. The return to face-to-face, although highly anticipated, can bring its share of apprehensions for the employee . After long months of working from home without coming to the office, he may suffer from a loss of confidence , fear of seeing colleagues again and interacting with them, fear of contracting the disease or, more generally, fear of deconfining.

These fears that replace the impatience to return to work, respond to the name of the shack syndrome and are not to be taken lightly. This new syndrome born with the epidemic is characterized by a strong anxiety developed by a segment of the population with the containment measures put in place by the government.

Support from the employer to reassure employees and allow them to regain confidence for a smooth return to work in the company is therefore necessary for a peaceful return.

Regain confidence:what you have the right to ask your employer

The big day has arrived:it's finally time to get back to work. You will be able to meet your colleagues around the coffee machine and catch up on the latest gossip. No more videoconferences, your social life is about to resume.

Did you know that our professional life represents more than 20% of our existence? It is therefore essential to feel good there.

You have the right to demand that your employer or company take measures governed by a strict health protocol to reassure employees:

  • Provision of health protection equipment :masks or hydroalcoholic gel;
  • Layout of the workspace on a space shared between employees (open space);
  • Clear communication on new protocols such as new schedules or a new schedule.

Finally, to achieve a certainwell-being at work l, a point of honor must be made to live together respecting the rules, instructions and health protocols. Beyond respect for the health of others, it is a collective responsibility that will gradually make it possible to regain lost confidence and gain serenity at work.

Reconnect with work habits and create new ones

After working for a long period at home in telework, returning to work in a company requires some rehabilitation. Don't worry, the rules of professional life in companies in times of Covid respond to the same codes as the rules of life in society :social distancing, wearing a mask in closed places... So you won't be surprised!

This does not mean that you will have to give up breaks with colleagues, however you may need to be adaptable and find new habits.

A new organization can facilitate this smooth recovery:

  • shift schedules to be respected;
  • organization of lunch breaks rolling for example;
  • meetings in small groups to maintain sufficient distance.

For a peaceful return to work, a relationship of trust must also be established between the employee and the employer. For example, you will have to be transparent in the event of risks or respecting a notice period in the event of symptoms of Covid.

Finding colleagues and learning to communicate again

Going from an isolated room with a computer to the joys of a shared office with your many colleagues can be destabilizing. How to contact them and rediscover this sociability forgotten during these months of confinement?

First of all, know that your colleagues have experienced the same thing as you . They often have the same fear and the same desire to share. Talking about your respective situations and your difficulties during confinement will help you find new topics of cohesion. For example, why not discuss with them tips found during confinement to overcome the difficulties of everyday life?

Don't forget to put things into perspective and laugh with your colleagues:laughter is liberating and will be a good companion for decompressing in a group.

Finally, if the discomfort persists, do not hesitate to communicate about it with your manager :the latter is the guarantor of team cohesion. His role is to ensure that everyone experiences this return in a peaceful way and he will certainly help you to consider solutions.

In case of difficulty, you are not alone!

If you suffer from stress, anxiety or anxiety when returning to work, do not hesitate to contact our psychological support service . You will find listening, assistance and personalized support online. Don't wait any longer and get help with Healthy Wellness !

You now hold all the keys to a return to work under the best auspices. Keep in mind that rehabilitating yourself can take a little time, but is necessary to find the most fulfilling professional life possible. Before heading back to the office, you can take a look at our article which guides you to preparing for your return to work and gives you the best advice to preserve your health and that of other employees.