Family Best Time >> Work

4 tips to work better!

1. Get rid of certain clichés that die hard.

Working well doesn't have to mean...working a lot! Succeeding in both your professional life and your private life requires efficiency and productivity more than systematically staying in the office after 8 p.m.

2. Curb solicitations from colleagues.

Especially if you are in an open space, it is not easy to concentrate between trips to the coffee machine and impromptu meetings. Ask your superiors to benefit from days of teleworking… If your first presentation the day after one of these days is impeccable, chances are that you will be able to repeat the experience…

3. Have your work recognized.

The very word “work” is etymologically linked to suffering, effort (even torture). Normal that you want to see it recognized especially in an age of services where most of us no longer produce anything material… Being able to be evaluated or at least discuss the value of your work is important. Your manager should be able to hear it.

4. Find out about all the alternatives, sometimes little known, that exist to traditional employment.

Interim, multi-salaried (part-time work for several employers), activity and employment cooperative (which offers a legal framework to all those who wish to create their own activity)… find the formula that suits you thanks to the book Work differently – Find the organization that really suits you , by Christelle Capo-Chichi, Ed. Vocatis-Studyrama, 2010