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A CV in the form of objects or video, is it better?

Curriculum Vitae in Word format are very common. It is therefore to get out of the ordinary that some people have decided to stand out with original CVs. Ideas more inventive than each other, filled with hope for an internship or a permanent contract.

What is an original CV?

A USB dart, a coffee cup with a QR code that redirects to your online CV, all your skills on the back of a packet of crisps, your photo accompanied by your qualities on marshmallows, scratch tickets to win a talented new employee at the company or a CV in the form of a paper casserole. There is something for every taste ! Applying with videos is also very trendy. In order not to end up on a pile of ordinary sheets of paper, some have been cunning in their imagination. Dozens of examples are available on the CV Originals site.

Does it work?

The site has also carried out a study to find out if this initiative was bearing fruit. The results should be put into perspective given that the study was carried out using 64 respondents, a very small panel. Almost all candidates found this action positive for their job search, for almost half it was even decisive and for almost a third a major element. Nearly 50% of these creatives got the coveted job, not as many as expected. For two percent of respondents, using the originality route to get a job had no effect and two other percent had the unpleasant surprise that it was penalizing. It is true that some employers do not appreciate this kind of initiative. But more than half have still made the buzz in the media, that's already it. Nearly 100% of people who responded to this survey still advise everyone to get started and try the adventure of an extraordinary CV, since they would do it themselves during a future search. employment. But before you start thinking about the format that suits your personality, be careful though:your idea must suit the professional environment in which you intend to apply for work. Just over half of those who have done it think it should stay for creative jobs, it's up to you. An idea to test to finally leave Pôle emploi.