Family Best Time >> Work

7 tips to work more efficiently and feel better

1 – You ate from the “to do list and yet... if you're reading this article, it's not terribly effective. That's why we suggest you try the "to don't list ". The principle:write down all the tasks for which you should not waste your time, such as meetings and uninteresting phone calls. Or if you are a freelancer, unexpected opening of the fridge, nap 4 times a day, etc. You hang this on the wall. This is ideal for saving time (or at least stopping wasting it).

2 – Every time you set foot outside, you carry a book in your bag and it's an excellent reflex. But even if you are not a writer or a journalist, also buy a notebook, a pencil, and carry them EVERYWHERE. Writing what goes through your head helps clarify your thoughts. It can be almost anything:an objective, a concept, an emotion, a non-existent position of kâmasutrâ, etc. This is a great tool to become more creative in your life.

3 – Start your day with a "beginning" ritual that will calm your mind and body. Why not a short walk before arriving at the office or a little reading, meditation, a tea ceremony...?

4 – In the same spirit, also do an end ritual to end your day. For example, you can tidy up your desk, clean it, make your to do list the next day (no, we didn't tell you above to abandon it completely).

5 – Learn to become a learning machine. Yes Yes. Have lunch with smart people. Ask lots of questions to everyone. Read a lot. Go to lots of conferences (and take the opportunity to network). Also take classes etc. Your life will be all the more interesting (and so will you).

> Read also:How to improve your life in 5 emails?

6 – Failing is NORMAL. If you don't fail once in a while, it's even fishy:maybe you're not trying hard enough!

> Read also:10 quotes to (finally) see failure differently

7 – Never say in advance that you can break records by talking about a deadline. Shut up and turn in your work ahead of time, you'll look like a hero. Yes, in life you have to be smart.

> Read also:3 keys to cultivating your social life