Family Best Time >> Work

10 phrases not to say to a girl looking for a job

1 Have you thought about redoing your CV?!

Uh no, why do you have to when looking for work?! Surprising how some advice - which certainly starts with a good intention - is quite stupid! A little info to all those who drop this kind of advice:we no longer have a job, but we still have our brains...

2 It's cool you have plenty of free time

Yes, that's it, free time is the very definition of unemployment... except that's the problem.

3 I would be you, I would take the first job that comes along…

So 1/ you're not me (and fortunately) and 2/ maybe you should know that jobs don't "go" like that! Like, "Crazy, I was walking down the street and you'll never guess what I saw go by?!" Yes, lots of jobs… So I took the first one. Come on, fellow advisers, keep it real.

4 Enjoy and don't worry!

It is well known, a period without a job is lightness and carelessness itself. No flipping the next day and the bank account emptying and not filling up.

5 You could give me an errand (implied since you don't give a damn)

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6 If you don't find them within two years, you're dead!

Boo, I've only been looking for 11 months... I still have a little time before I give up! Another tip for all advisors:never forget, when you say something to someone, they hear it...

7 And why don't you open a restaurant?

Because a single dish "coquillettes ham", not sure that it appeals to customers... Again, the intention is noble, wanting to help us find a solution by doing something completely different is not bad. But to reorient yourself, it needs to have something to do with what you know how to do.

8 Especially you know yourself well if you have an interview, huh!

Flute, I was thinking of going there with dirty hair, in brown Crocs and ripped jeans… well, I'm going to have to change my plans (see tip 1)

9 Did you know that butchery is a recruiting sector?

To which, of course, the answer must be:"I'll leave it to you, I'll apply".

10 Finding a job is above all a question of motivation…

So this one, in the extra genre, it arises there. What horror are these little innuendos that would mean that we have something to do with it, if we can't find it. Necessarily stated by people who have never known a period without a job. Avoid because it makes you feel guilty.