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Apply à la 2017

Looking for a new job? Then you have chosen the right time. Job sites are bulging and you can't open LinkedIn without stumbling across promising features. With these application tips and trends you will be one step ahead of your competitors – and land that dream job.

Goodbye boring A4, hello fantastic CV

The resume from a few years ago is no more. That sleep-inducing sheet full of bullet points has given way to a new trend. A personal, leading and colorful CV. One that shows at a glance who you are and what you do. Do not feel hesitant to enlist help:your fellow applicants make massive use of copywriters and designers who put together the most beautiful CVs.

From knowledge to skill

With the arrival of the new CV, the substantive order has also been changed. A chronological list of courses, education and work experience is no longer required. The labor market is becoming flexible, and so is your CV. For example, you can choose per vacancy to only show matching courses. Or tell us about projects you've done instead of courses you've taken. Skill is becoming more and more important than knowledge.

Offline is now really passé

Are you still flipping through the local newspaper in hopes of finding your dream job there? Forget it. Online recruiting is more flexible, more attractive and cheaper for the vast majority of companies. Candidates are online, so are recruiters and HR managers. Where exactly? Social media such as LinkedIn and Twitter are of course an important starting point. And don't forget to keep an eye on websites for a complete job overview.

You are looking for a job and a job is looking for you

If we look at vacancies and application trends, we see another important development in 2017. Companies are increasingly actively looking for candidates. Yourself. Not by waiting for your letter. For this they use external or in-house recruiters, for example. So be sure to post your resume on the major job boards. This way you can not only view vacancies, but you will also be found yourself.

If you do it, do it right

Are they looking for an employee at a greengrocer's who can't get enough of apples? Then of course you put your resume in the book by Rupsje Nooit Enough. Are you responding to a vacancy for a filmmaker? Then go for a popular video instead of a letter. This way you will certainly put a smile on the faces of the selection committee and make yourself unforgettable. How do you do such a thing? Pay attention to striking statements in the vacancy text and respond to them – in your own way.
