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Job advertisement:how to get a job interview?

Put the odds on your side to get a job interview

There are the classic responses to an ad by sending a CV and cover letter. Today, unfortunately, this is no longer enough to stand out from the rest. The ready-made formulas are taken up by a number of candidates. Recruiters who read the same sentences are not tempted to call you back. First, update your personal data on all the sites where you have a profile. LinkedIn, Viadeo or Monster, you must fill in your activities and put details. Today, most employers check before a job interview if you are present on these sites! Secondly, take care of your references. Make sure that the ones that appear on your CV are related to the advert you are aiming for, and above all, that you have remained on good terms with your former selected employers.

Respond clearly to the ad

There is no question of flaunting yourself by giving many details, nor by telling all your experiences. Select the references related to the ad, and also some additional associative or sports references, which will highlight your qualities! For the cover letter, many models exist, but it is always better to formulate it yourself and trust yourself. The cover letter should not be too long, one page maximum. Obviously, no spelling mistakes, otherwise the job interview may pass you by! However, do not make this letter too impersonal, put your personality in it. Too pompous formulas are to be avoided. No one is forcing you to end with "Best regards". Pay particular attention to the first sentence and its hook, which is essential. Avoid "I am writing to you because I am looking for a job".

Always call back a few days after responding to the ad

To show that you are very motivated and that the position really interests you, do not hesitate to contact the company. It's not about jumping on your phone right after sending your email! Instead, wait two or three days, and ask if they received your application. This telephone contact is important. If you are smiling and dynamic, it will be heard. You can also ask if the recruitment is over and if the position is still available. Don't tangle your brushes while speaking, stay precise. And if your contact offers you an appointment for a job interview, remember to have your little notebook handy to write everything down! And above all, believe in yourself until the end! As long as we haven't told you that the position is taken, anything is possible!