At work, to stagnate is to die a little. We generally complete our job in two years. Wanting to move up in rank and take on more spicy challenges is logical, not shameful! Problem, especially if you do your job well:a boss does not necessarily want to imagine us somewhere other than in our place...
The tactic. To convince him, “it is better to look for concrete facts, such as the meeting the day before or the balance sheet of last month, explains coach Sylvaine Pascual*. During an interview, we start with "I am able to..." and then we list what we have achieved. And we move on to "What makes me want new challenges, new responsibilities". “That we do not hesitate to detail. Before returning to the charge, we let the seed we planted mature and our superior get used to this idea and the consequences that our new responsibilities would have for him.
The magic phrase. “Taking care of the new prospects file would be a great challenge for me. How do you want us to proceed? »
The ringing of the telephone makes us jump. The heels of our colleagues, ditto. It must be said that the urgent file to be dealt with before lunch (it is 12:15 p.m.) or the volley of reproaches, it is always for us. Companies are teeming with bosses who practice excessive reporting because they themselves lack self-confidence. What if we said stop?
The tactic. “The risk is that he does not understand. Logic:for him, it is a normal operation, recalls the coach. Because, very often, the way of working of one is the hell of the other! What can be taken for harassment is sometimes "only" persecution (this is still serious, but on a lesser level), simply because one has needs that do not correspond to the needs of the other. 'other. This is why it is necessary to favor dialogue and identify the situations where the pressure is mounting before proposing concrete solutions to reduce it (“Just to avoid a mess, I suggest that you now operate like this or like that…”). Building empathy – without playing the victim – can only earn us points.
The magic phrase. “I have noted that the deadline is for Tuesday. You see, we are on the same wavelength. Did you want to talk to me about something else? »
We are talking about keeping hours AND salary, while offloading part of our work (the one we have to bring home in the evening and on weekends, for example). Complicated to negotiate in times of crisis. But playable.
The tactic. We keep in mind that certain tasks remain within the domain of our prerogatives and our job description. These are not mentioned. On the other hand, we identify precisely what is causing us problems and why. “So we have part of the solution. Only a part, because we will have to have someone do them, these tasks that we no longer want to manage! », explains Sylvaine Pascual. "Above all, we don't interfere. And we don't advise our boss to overload a colleague... That would be harassment. »
The magic phrase. “I would like us to review my roadmap. Why not lighten part of my schedule to gain efficiency? »
* coach specializing in human relations and professional retraining. More info on