Family Best Time >> Work

When is the best time to get things from my boss?

A promotion:as soon as we feel that there is reorganization in the air, that Duboss – on the departure – will be replaced by Duchef, or that the rumor of a takeover of the box by Russians amplifies, we take the lead and meet with our N + 1. Having, beforehand, clearly defined our personal objectives. It's a matter of niche and opportunity. By being attentive to what is happening within the company, we can anticipate the events that will make the right opportunities.

An increase:in September, before the budgets are definitively validated (or in January, if the box works on another accounting rhythm, English for example). At the period of the individual interviews, in principle at the end of the year, the company has generally already determined the overall budget envelope for the increases. It is therefore often too late.

Training:at the end of the year. It's a good time to ask for "generalist" training (English, management, IT, etc.), especially if Chef was unable to grant us the requested increase in September. But we can also request training during the year, if we are entrusted with a new mission.

A bonus:before accepting a new mission. The error:telling yourself that we will ask for it later. If we are entrusted with a mission, it is because we are needed. This is the moment when the balance of power plays the most in our favor. If this mission is really outside our usual remit, that it will force us to work late or on weekends,
to cancel leave... it must be clearly explained. And don't ask for a bonus every time we're asked to do something... at the risk that we won't be offered anything!

Part-time:when the results of the box are good… Because if the period is tense, Chef will be more reluctant to disrupt the organization of his service.

Thanks to Thierry Krief, President of NegoAndCo,