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Job:how to get what you want from your boss? #1

1/ Ask for a raise

No need to squirt The Experts from Miami:the clues we have in front of us speak for themselves. We earn roughly 20% less than our male neighbor in the open space (the one who speaks very loudly as soon as any chieftain is reported in the place) while we total the same seniority as him... To earn more by working as much, we will have to silence this little ball (there, in our throat) and talk to our boss (over there, at the end of the corridor, on the right).

The tactic. Do not improvise anything, anticipate everything. To sharpen his arguments, Sylvaine Pascual* advises to put on paper "what we bring to the service and to the company by aligning figures and facts ("I brought such and such a file to completion before the deadline, in April last", "We've increased positive feedback by 15% since I've been in the job"…)". Professional social networks (LinkedIn, Viadeo…), consultant blogs also help to estimate the (realistic) sum to which one can claim. On D-Day, we do not prepare as for a civil wedding to avoid adding unnecessary pressure. And in the boss's office, we don't whine ("You understand, my rent has increased twice in two years!"), we don't play it double or quits ("I'm out of this box if you don't give in !”) and we don’t compare ourselves to others. "During the discussion, the boss should only see you and your successes", warns our coach.

The magic phrase. “I bring a real plus to the box, the results are there. I'd like to talk raise with you (you, his lordship, it depends). »

2/ Make it clear that we would like a little recognition

Well, we don't expect Big Boss to hug us and sob all the good he thinks of us. Nevertheless, hearing your N+1 praise our efficiency, once in a while, is not only legitimate, but vital to know where you are in your job and to re-motivate yourself.

The tactic. “Above all, don't be vague. Going to see your boss and saying, "I want more recognition" is the best way to screw up," warns Sylvaine Pascual. We therefore clarify our needs before expressing them:we want more regular debriefings with him, for him to support us with the hierarchy... And we share our feelings with him with concrete examples ("In a meeting, the other day , I didn’t really feel supported in front of the sales people…”).

The magic phrase. “I think we got back on our feet with the Waneugaine file. What do you think ? »

* coach specializing in human relations and professional retraining. More info on