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This is how you finally get your finances in order in the new year

Have you ever heard of Marie Kondo? Her approach to cleaning up your home is very popular all over the world. Now, at the beginning of the year, that's exactly what many people plan to do:Take a second look in every drawer and cupboard and create more structure and overview. However, many do not think of looking at their finances and insurance in this context. They are at least as important as minimalist decoration and assorted drawers, right? We explain the best way to proceed and which insurance policies suit you.

How is the current situation?

The need to put things in order is especially great at the start of the new year. But who says this should only be about the house or about sorting clothes? A look at the finances and insurance at the beginning of the new year is never wrong. Because that's the only way to see where improvements are needed. First of all, it should always be about classifying the current financial situation. Only when the monthly income and expenses are exactly in line, you know what financial framework you have. This also includes making an inventory of exactly which contractual obligations there are, which insurance policies already exist and whether they actually match current wishes and needs.

What are my goals and dreams?

It is also important to look into the future. Because financial planning is directly related to life planning. Is a baby coming? Are you planning to build a house or buy real estate? Or maybe you are saving for a car? Anyone who has dealt with these questions can get a better overview of what financial burdens may soon arise and what insurance is needed.

What is there no way around it?

One thing is certain:there are many matters that you may not be able to immediately or only properly overview and classify, for example when it comes to pension provision or buying your own home. By talking to an expert, you can find out which types of insurance make sense and develop an individual, foresighted plan.