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How do you survive the first week of your new job?

No matter what job you have, the first days and even weeks in the new workplace can be quite exciting. While starting this new chapter in your career is fun, it can also be overwhelming at the same time. You'll likely experience at least a few challenges and adjustments, whether it's your first or 10th task. Here are some ways to survive the first week of your new job.

1. Keep calm
You are not alone in starting a new job for the first time. If you think about it, every adult has done it at least once in their life! The first week can be difficult, so try to stay calm and breathe deeply. Whenever you notice your heart beating faster or your hands sweating, just focus on your breathing. Inhale and count one, exhale and count two, all the way to ten. When your breathing is more stable, you will appear calm, face your colleagues and tasks with much more confidence and feel more at ease.

2. Make friends with someone
Most companies match you with someone you train so you learn faster. This person will hopefully be professional and really want to help you. Make sure to befriend them. If a friendship with that person isn't in it, there may be another person you could get to know better. Having a trusted ally, or someone in the same boat, will definitely help you survive the first week (and hopefully beyond)!

3. Be open to your new environment
If you don't like something or if you think you're out of place and will never be able to get used to your new workplace, don't run away! Everyone needs time to get used to a new position and role, and it could be a very different work environment from where you've worked before, or maybe the hours are unusual and you're adjusting to a new routine. Being open and knowing that you are learning new things will certainly help you in the coming weeks.

4. Listen, observe and understand
You have to get to know a new company culture, make sure you pay attention and listen to what your colleagues are saying. It may or may not be helpful to you, but there may be some similarities that will help you learn the culture, jargon, and the way the company does business. By listening, observing and understanding, you will be well on your way to belonging.

5. Get Organized
When you have a lot of new information coming your way, make sure you are disciplined, focused and organized, and continue to develop good habits. Maybe you had some weaknesses in your previous job that you can fix in this job? Then use the first week to chart how you will accomplish all your tasks and start putting new lessons and habits into practice.

6. Get to know your new environment
Logistically, you need to know where to get coffee, eat a good lunch, or where to exercise, before or after work! It may take a few weeks to discover all the good spots, but getting out there to explore will help you get to know the area better, making you feel more comfortable in your new job.

7. Stay on top of company news
Be sure to stay on top of company news. Maybe they send daily, weekly or monthly emails to their audiences and customers, or maybe they post Twitter feeds or have a Facebook page. Knowing that kind of business information will only help you in the long run.

Hopefully these tips will help you feel more comfortable and ready to take on the second week and beyond.