Family Best Time >> Work

Little things you can do to make your first week at work less stressful

Starting a new job is always intimidating. What will your colleagues think about you? Are you going to do a good job? Here are some tips to ensure that you have the smoothest possible transition in the first week of your new job.

Take about an hour to update your social media profiles, let people know about the job, and check that there's nothing incriminating online.

Make a plan of action for what you hope to achieve in the beginning.

Think of scenarios of how you will make a great first impression when you meet your new colleagues.

Ask around and look at company photos to find out what the dress code is before you walk in on day one.

The beginning is a blur of faces, so make sure you have several answers prepared in case you forget a new colleague's name.

Get ahead on logistics by packing your work bag, preparing documents to take with you, and figuring out how long it will take to get there.

Take another look at your colleagues and plan ways to get to know everyone in the office better in the coming weeks.