Family Best Time >> Work

Do I really need a skills assessment?

It’s okay if…

When you have been in the same position in the same company for a few years and you have the impression of living a demotivating routine, the skills assessment allows you to take stock and know how to move forward. This is even more true if you do not really see any prospects for development within your company or if you are aiming for a specific position but you doubt you have the skills. Once you have decided, the best thing is to contact your HR manager to make your request. If the employer opposes the assumption of responsibility by the company, one can always do it on his own account and outside his working hours, but it is very expensive (about 1,500 € for 24 hours of assessment). Please note:Pôle Emploi offers job seekers skills assessments.

It's useless if...

You want to use it as a weapon of negotiation with your employer. Even if we prove in black and white that we are very deserving, the employer is not obliged to respond positively to a request for a salary increase or job change. Not useful either if one is only motivated by a general fed up. You have to take the time to ask yourself and be sure that the problem is work-related. The skills assessment is only there to confirm or not the possible direction in which one wishes to go and to establish action plans to achieve it. It can in no way replace a psychological follow-up.

Our advice…

We do it if we have at least five years of seniority in our company and we have a real desire to evolve in our career or to change our activity.