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10 signs you really need a vacation from work

We all need a break from work every now and then. You probably wouldn't hesitate to call in sick if you had the flu. But would you take a day off if you were under a lot of stress? For many of us, the answer is no. A lot of stress at work not only leads to burnout, but can also lead to stomach problems, sleep disturbances, headaches and more. How do you know when you've hit a breaking point and maybe it's time you need a vacation? Below 10 signals.

1. Every small problem becomes a big problem
Of course annoyances will crop up on a regular basis, but not everything you deal with is a big problem. If you are constantly irritable towards your colleagues or clients, then you may need some time off to recharge.

2. Your colleagues keep asking you if you're feeling well
Other people may notice that you're stressed before you do. If your colleagues keep approaching you to say, "You look tired," or ask, "Is something wrong?" then that could be a sign that your stress has spilled over into your workday and comes naturally to the rest of your office.

3. You start to make mistakes
Chronic stress is a known cause of mistakes in the workplace and is a sign that you may need to take a step back.

4. You feel quite cynical
Everything bores you, nothing excites you and you can't gather positive thoughts about the company you work for. Once those cynical thoughts start seeping into your brain, it could be a sign that you're on the brink of burnout. Try to counter it as soon as possible, and take some time off.

5. You start to "borrow" the office supplies
Sure we all brought a pen or two with us, but if you're practically shopping, that's a sign that you're stressed. Researchers actually have a name for these habits:in short, “counterproductive work behavior”. If you engage in counterproductive work behaviors, such as arguing with your co-workers or taking extra-long lunch breaks, you may need a day off to reset your priorities or even look for new opportunities.

6. Everything hurts
Back pain. Headache. Tired eyes. All of these painful conditions are your body's not-so-subtle way of telling you you might need a day off.

7. Your stomach actually hates you
A killer headache isn't the only physical sign you feel – cramping and bloating can be other indicators. Some people are more likely to have stomach and digestive problems when they feel stressed. That could be because stress can cause changes in the bacteria in our stomachs, making us more vulnerable to stomach upset.

8. You can use a good night's sleep
Having trouble sleeping can also be a side effect of too much stress. One study found that overworked workers were more likely to have trouble relaxing before bedtime and had greater amounts of daytime sleepiness.

9. When you get home, do you grab a glass of wine
Do you immediately pour yourself a glass of wine when you get home? If so, you may be using alcohol as a coping mechanism for stressful days at the office.

10. Can't remember why you wanted this job in the first place
Some people who are under pressure lose perspective of why they keep coming to work. This is one of the more serious signs of burnout, so if this is you, you may need to take a longer break from the office and you may also need to rearrange your mind. Think about how your daily life affects the big picture of your life.

Do you wonder if you have burnout complaints? Then it is wise to do a burnout self-test. The best self-test we were able to find online for burnout complaints is from Vitalmindz.