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Representative appearance at work:why do you need make-up?

Most of us find it important to be representative. Certainly at work. And so we leave our home and hearth fully cared for. But what exactly is the definition of a representative appearance? Of course you want to look neat. But at KLM, Transavia, and many other airlines, they have their own ideas about this. And they are not out of the blue.

A representative appearance at work

If your skin and hair are clean, and your teeth freshly brushed, you already look pretty well-groomed in my opinion. Of course it is not appropriate in many workplaces that you combine that with a comfortable sweatpants. So there are often dress codes, or you are given company clothing. If not, these basic wardrobe tips might help you. Anyway, a representative appearance at work is often something you simply cannot ignore. But what if your employer manages to take it one step further. What if he or she forces you to wear make-up in the workplace? That may sound like a far from your bed show (I hope so for you!) but many ladies have to deal with it on a daily basis.

What's wrong with pure nature?

My love, the darling, keeps claiming I'm at my best when I just get up. I totally disagree, but it's great to hear that you don't necessarily have to dress up to be beautiful. Then why should you make up for complete strangers? Pure nature does not mean that you walk around like an unkempt slob? That is independent of a representative appearance.

Yet flight attendants don't have a choice. Virgin Atlantic made headlines this week because makeup is finally no longer a must when it comes to a representative look at work. So they can remove their make-up. Women are now also allowed to wear pants. I just thought:huh? Was that prohibited?

Of course your boss is allowed to introduce certain company clothing. But the obligation to make up, and also to wear skirts, that goes too far for me. Because what does that add? As if you can't look well-groomed without make-up! Or in pants, instead of a skirt. Why can't you, as a flight attendant, decide for yourself?

Flying in the Stone Age

I think the idea that a woman only has a representative appearance with make-up is quite outdated. We don't live in the Stone Age, do we? Can we perhaps decide that ourselves, in a feminist manner? I would say:let every woman choose for herself how she appears in the workplace. Of course there are limits… But applying blush on your cheekbones is too much for me. So Transavia, you don't have to wait for my application for the time being. Then I much prefer to write blogs – if it suits me better, even in my onesie without a trace of make up. Delicious!

What do you think? Is wearing make up part of a representative appearance at work? Or not?