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Burnout:are you at risk?

Some situations promote burnout

People experiencing burnout all say they didn't see it coming. This insidious and silent pathology has nevertheless been studied by doctors and scientists. It seems that certain signs are recurrent in patients and that they favor the slide towards burnout. Work is at the heart of this pathology and the profession one exercises is a central factor. Professions related to the public and the medical sector (doctor, teacher) are very exposed. However, no socio-professional category is spared:senior executive, farmer, merchant or craftsman. Constant fatigue is the first warning sign of burnout. If you are tired all the time and your sleep is no longer restful, it is a sign of overwork! And if your holidays and your weekends no longer revitalize you and stress is omnipresent, do not hesitate to consult your doctor!

Pervasive work is characteristic of burn-out

If you work more and more… 40, 50, 60, 70 hours a week for several months, you risk burnout. Today, many employees continue to work while returning home in the evening or on weekends. A computer, an internet connection, and voila! But beware, by being too connected, the boundary between private life and professional life is blurring. The cell phone can also be a source of anxiety. Being available at any time no longer allows for a real break. This is why you should not hesitate to switch off your phone on weekends and not check your emails after 9 p.m. in the evening. If, on the other hand, you can't keep disconnected moments and you're always on the alert, beware of burnout!

A lack of recognition accelerates the burn-out crisis

Working time plays on burnout, but it is above all the quality of this work that makes you crack! If you no longer find meaning in your job despite continuous efforts, it's time to ask yourself questions! When there are too many gaps between the objectives requested and the means given, you cannot work miracles! No matter how hard you kill yourself, if you run out of maneuvering steps, you will exhaust yourself physically and mentally. And if, in addition, you are a very dedicated, motivated and conscientious person, you are even more likely to be a victim of burnout. A piece of advice, do not throw yourself compulsively into work to satisfy your need for recognition. And learn to say no!