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Are you too happy to be taken seriously at work?

You come into work with a smile on your face. As you make your way to your office, you give each employee a wave and a cheery hello. You've even been known to whistle a happy tune on occasion.
And why not? You enjoy your job and feel you have an excellent leadership style. There is no reason for you not to be happy. Right?
Except it might cause people to think less of you.
Research from the University of Chicago and the University of Pennsylvania found that, compared to moderately happy people, very happy people are considered more naive. This perception leads people to think that these people shield themselves from negative information and are therefore easier to take advantage of.
But that doesn't mean you have to trade your happiness to be taken seriously as a leader. You just need to know how to balance your naturally cheerful personality with the right leadership style.
Related: 9 Things Great Leaders Do Differently
The Downside of Happiness
"If you try to exploit someone, you might sue the really happy person," said one of the authors of the aforementioned study, Maurice Schweitzer, in an interview with the Chicago Tribune . "That's what we think is the most gullible person, that's what we'll try to put on the hook for something else." ”
Even if you are a strong leader, being happy means that you will be seen as someone who can walk anywhere. This was confirmed by a 2016 study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology , which examined the implications of emotions expressed by leaders.
The research compared the effectiveness of leaders who were perceived as angry versus those who showed more vulnerable emotions, such as sadness. Naturally, passionate leaders were seen as more assertive and legitimate leaders. This gave them a greater air of authority and a style of leadership defined by punishment and reward. In short, employees viewed these leaders as less of a push.
For younger leaders, this perception is compounded. A 2016 study from the Journal of Organizational Behavior examined the impact of age on employees' opinions of the effectiveness of leaders. He revealed that age is a status cue for authority, so employees automatically view younger leaders as less powerful than older leaders. When you mix youth and happiness, it can be extremely difficult to convince employees to take you seriously as a leader.
The Happiness Advantage
Although appearing too happy can make you come across as a easy target, a total lack of emotion can cost you the trust of employees. Research from our company, Skyline Group International, Inc., found that employees prefer leaders who express an appropriate amount of emotion over those who are stoic.
Our research also found that stoic leaders are considered as being less open and less understanding of their team's feelings, which makes them less approachable. Although detached leaders are seen as more authoritative, there is an inherent distance between them and their employees. And that makes it difficult to build trust between leadership and the workforce.
Thinking back to the Journal of Business and Psychology study , research found that the benefit of a more emotional leadership style was having referent power. Rather than leading with an iron fist, these leaders have more effective and influential relationships with their employees. They gain their clout by being able to build relationships and empathize with their team.
Finding the Balance
Since there are pros and cons to a leadership style based about happiness, it's important to find balance and be seen as both a respected and trusted leader. Use your natural impulses to your advantage, while being aware of your weaknesses.
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For example, being a happy leader who notices and values ​​your team's feelings creates an opportunity to inspire employees. When you're excited about the success of your business, share your joy while tying success to the hard work of your employees. This will allow them to see that they are appreciated and that your recognition is genuine.
On the other hand, be prepared to take control and be authoritative if necessary. Embrace accountability, so if an employee fails to pull their own weight, they will have to take responsibility for their shortcomings. If you let lower performance slip, it will be a sign that there are no consequences for laziness.
Being a great leader requires self-awareness that allows you to play to your strengths while improving your weaknesses. Being a happy leader has its drawbacks, but if you work to balance your leadership style, you can still be an effective leader who is taken seriously by employees.
Related: 10 leadership lessons you'll learn on the job