Family Best Time >> Work

35% of French employees go to work when they are sick

Going to work when you are sick is not as rare as it seems. According to a survey conducted by the online recruitment site Monster, one in three French people prefer to go there even if they are unable to work. 50% say they take a day off when their symptoms are really bad and 9% say they do it as soon as they are sick. Among the 2,945 surveyed, 6% prefer to work from home, but many jobs do not allow this alternative.

It is better to stop for a few days when you feel bad

The reasons that push employees to go to work, even sick, are guilt, the feeling of being essential to the proper functioning of the company, fear of reprisals or pressure exerted by employers. If the intention is laudable, Karl Rigal, editorial manager of Monster, does not recommend going to work when you are not in good condition:"Remember that if you are not in top form, you risk penalizing yourself and your team. Better to be absent for the time it takes to get back on your feet, rather than going to work taking the risk of not being efficient and especially contaminating your colleagues. Sick leave should not become a luxury or be seen as a sign of weakness, but as a necessary right to recover one's abilities. Well, we'll remember that the next time an illness comes up!