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Google Glass at work:what are they for?

Google seems to have learned the lesson after the bitter failure of its Google Glass in 2013. This time, the glasses are intended only for businesses. Gone is the general public. At the time, these “futuristic” glasses numbered no less than… we stopped counting because the possibilities of use were countless. Recording of videos, photos, direct information on flowers, animals, reading assistance, sheet music, barcode reader, GPS, weather... and this is just a small sample of the uses of their first edition. Their usefulness has changed. Today the concept is to improve productivity.

From Google Glass to Glass Enterprise Edition

The aim of this new edition is to boost productivity and in particular not to "break" the rhythm of work. That is to say, being able to consult a user manual while your hands are full or move more quickly in hangars, for example! Rather practical. Google for its part has assured that these glasses allow you to work faster, to be more focused on your task and to have your hands free. Hence the fact of not breaking the rhythm of work. The battery life has been improved, they have been lightened to be able to wear them without genes longer/for a long time. What hope to have glasses as stylish as in Kingsman in a few years!

Google, Snapchat… glasses, who's next?