Family Best Time >> Work

What is important for happiness at work?

Having fun in your work and a good atmosphere are the factors of a job without too much stress. Colleagues can be very atmospheric. Honesty, keeping to agreements and helpfulness are the qualities of a good colleague. Sneakiness, cutting corners and not doing a job well are the most irritating qualities of a colleague. This is apparent from the Job satisfaction survey 2019 by online pension provider BeFrank in the context of the Week of Work Stress.

The Dutch rate their job satisfaction with an average of 7.5. For 93 percent of the Dutch, having fun at work reduces stress. About 90 percent of the respondents say that a pleasant relationship with colleagues is essential for a good feeling at work. Fortunately, for the vast majority of workers, these mutual relationships are just fine. Almost 90 percent say they are satisfied with this.

A lot of people have a great time at work. On average, we give our job satisfaction a 7.5. About 60 percent of working Dutch people even consider it an 8 or higher. Only 6.5 percent of those surveyed currently rate their own job satisfaction as unsatisfactory. Incidentally, there are differences between people who own their own company and employees. More than three quarters of the entrepreneurs, with or without staff, give an 8 as a report mark for job satisfaction. For employees on the shop floor, that percentage remains at around 57 percent. What is also striking is the high job satisfaction among people in a top management position, no less than 82 percent.

Although most people are very satisfied with their job satisfaction, we do experience stress. Nearly half of people work in a stressful environment. Nearly 40 percent say there is a substantial risk of burnout. That makes it all the more important to keep a close eye on your own work-life balance.

What contributes most to a stress-free work environment for you?
1. Good atmosphere:73%
2. Enjoying my work:72%
3. Variety:48%
4. Being able to organize one's own time:42%
5. Good working systems:38%

You experience stress, what should colleagues do?
1. Let them know they are there for me (64%)
2. Start the conversation with me (54%)
3. Take work off my hands (40%)

As a colleague, you contribute to the happiness of colleagues at work, what should you do and what not to do?

The top 5 good qualities of a colleague:
1. Honest
2. Keeping appointments
3. Helpful
4. Involved
5. Positive

The top 5 most annoying qualities of a colleague
1. Being sneaky/sneaky
2. Walking the edges of it
3. Not performing work properly
4. Diving (trying to get out of assignments or tasks)
5. Appearing fake