Family Best Time >> Work

Big headache at work, what do I do?

What triggers the migraine.

Each migraine sufferer is unique, but there are common triggers:not eating at noon and staying in front of the computer is not good, drinking too much coffee and not hydrating, ditto. And at lunchtime, we avoid mature cheeses, nuts, chocolate, and anything that contains glutamate.

We listen to each other.

As soon as the signs show up, we eat a little, we drink (water). If possible, we do some meditation or breathing exos. If you work in a "not very nice" club, you go to isolate yourself in the dark in the pee-room. If it's cooler, we go out for a walk in the neighborhood.

We're changing our organization.

If we are not bedridden, we keep tasks easy to accomplish. We ask for a position close to natural light and away from neon lights. We avoid working too much on screen:we print to read with a clear head, and we ask colleagues to limit perfumes.