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Teleworking:how to define the limit between personal life and professional life?

The importance of organization

To be able to define a boundary between personal life and professional life, it is imperative to have a good organization when working from home. You should not neglect time management, with a well-defined schedule, keeping an agenda and daily or weekly "to do lists". To work effectively, you need to create a real workspace for yourself. It is not possible to work on the dining room table where you have your dinners and where your children do their drawings. In the absence of a dedicated room for teleworking, setting up a comfortable and pleasant office area is very important. Even if the temptation to work in pajamas is strong, you must resist. It might happen to you once in a while if you're badly dressed, but in the morning, get ready as if you were going to work. You don't have to leave your home, but the process is just as important. In addition, it is better to anticipate in case you have an impromptu Skype meeting.

Log out of work

In telework, it is often very difficult to disconnect. There is sometimes a fine line between personal life and professional life. The risk is never to be able to get your head out of work. This is also why it is essential to have a real office area. At the end of your workday, you turn off your computer and possibly your work phone. Also know that it's a matter of habit... The first few days may be a bit complicated, but things are getting done! You must absolutely set yourself a schedule to respect. It's not about doing anything by going shopping in the afternoon and then working from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. You must also discipline yourself by refusing any distractions during the day. Working from home doesn't make you a homemaker. Don't waste time throwing a machine or vacuuming.

Set the basics and limits with those around you and your boss

For teleworking to be fulfilling and effective, it is essential to set the basics and the limits with those around you and your boss. On the side of your boss, before signing a telework contract, it is essential that you know the ins and outs. It should be noted that not all employers have the same vision of teleworking. Some have total confidence in their employees while others turn into spies to find out if you are really working. Telecommuting does not mean that your boss can ask you at 11 p.m. Hence the importance of setting limits! To avoid being isolated, keep in regular contact with your colleagues. On the side of those around you, some may have difficulty understanding that working from home is like really working. Know how to say no and be firm, otherwise you will be constantly asked for anything and everything.