Telecommuting is a possibility that many workers dream of:no travel time, the possibility of working in your pajamas, getting up later, eating what you want when you want... In fact, working from home it's nice, provided you follow certain rules.
Of course, whoever says "no work time" says that we can sleep a little more. But that's no reason not to set an alarm clock and sleep in every day. Why ? Quite simply because if we receive an important email or phone call in the morning, we must be able to respond to it within the same timeframe as if we were in the office. Otherwise, it's Duboss who won't be happy...
Working in pajamas is tempting. Do not wash before noon and do not wear makeup too. However, preparing as if you were going to spend the day with your colleagues helps to put you in the "work" state of mind and to concentrate. And besides, working from home does not mean that you have no appointments! Moreover, it's good to set up a dedicated office for working (even if you really want to stay in bed), just to mark the break between your personal space and our professional space.
It is not because the office invites itself to the house that we should no longer have a limit between our working time and our free time. Thus, we define a working time slot, for example 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., and we stick to it! Of course, emergencies happen and you can exceptionally work until 8 p.m. or read a file over the weekend, but you don't make it a habit.
Stay locked up all day and wait patiently for Bibi to come home at night? It's depressing ! So we take advantage of our days away from the office to go out for lunch with a girlfriend, go do some shopping as an afternoon break, go out for a drink in the evening... In short, we live and we see people!
Music, social networks, TV... Since we're at home, it doesn't bother anyone, does it? It's true, but noise and various distractions have a huge impact on our productivity. If the silence of our home worries us, we can possibly put background music, but that's all. And we give ourselves regular Facebook, Instagram, phone or TV breaks... as if we were at the office!