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Job application outfit ladies:clothes make the working woman

Do you have a job interview soon for the job you want so much? Exciting! It's important that the conversation goes well, but that's not all. Your first impression is just as important. Your clothing and attitude must radiate representativeness. So make sure you look well-groomed when you go for an interview and that your job application outfit is in tip-top shape. In addition, you will feel a lot better if you have paid some attention to your appearance. Dressed up? New! Catered? Yes! Read all about the application outfit ladies here.

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Table of contents

Tips for your external care

You only get one chance to make a successful first impression. No pressure ladies . And it won't be that dress or those slacks that will get you that job. But a well-groomed appearance does help. Not only your clothing style, but also make-up, tattoos &piercings and well-groomed hair influence how you come across to the recruiter. It's important that you smell fresh, but don't overdo it. Too much perfume is generally not done. Just like wearing, for example, too sexy clothes and too many accessories, is not really seen as the right job application outfit. Therefore, do not take the title 'dress to impress' too literally. Keep it modest and elegant, for the very best first impression. And remember, no too naked job application outfit ladies!

Application outfit ladies

There is considerably more choice for an application outfit for ladies than for men. Their creativity often goes no further than a suit with or without a stripe. Ladies can express themselves a little more through their outfit. But beware, because a fashion blunder is easily made. Even during a job interview. For an appropriate clothing style, it is good to look at the company and the position for which you are applying.

The formal job application outfit ladies

The company culture can usually be found on the company's website. If the organization is very formal it is best to opt for a business and professional outfit. This can be, for example, a suit or neat trousers with a blouse and jacket. Make sure you always wear tights when you choose a skirt and that the skirt comes to above your knees! Stylish heels are appropriate, but not too high. Keep it at about five centimeters.

The semi-formal job application outfit

Are you going to apply for a job in the commercial sector, for example? Then you mainly see semi-formal outfits. This offers more possibilities. Think of neat chinos (in a neutral color) with a blouse or a shirt in combination with smart shoes. More color combinations are possible, but avoid prints &patterns, because that is distracting. In addition, do not quickly opt for sneakers or jeans, only if you are really sure that this is appreciated. You can often deduce that from the website too.

The comfortable outfit

Are you out? Will it be a formal, or a semi-formal job application outfit ladies? Depending on the company where you are going to apply, that choice is probably made quickly. But there is one important point that has not been mentioned. Of course, it is also important that you wear clothes that you feel comfortable in, so that you appear more confident. Above all, be yourself, because only then will you come across as natural. If you normally never wear heels, don't feel compelled to do so now. This will only make you feel less confident on an already exciting day. The same goes for dresses. There's nothing wrong with neat trousers.

And the very best accessory remains a good portion of self-confidence! So don't just go for a professional looking outfit. But certainly also for a job application outfit ladies that you feel good in.

Application? Have fun shopping!

Still looking for the right job application outfit ladies? Then you have a great excuse to go shopping. And you can still do that from your lazy chair 😉 . Many webshops even have a special 'application department'. Then you have all the (semi) formal job application outfits at a glance.

At Zalando you not only shop for a professional application outfit, you also receive application tips. Do your homework and then go shopping, ideal, right?

At Otto, the application department is already divided into formal and semi-formal for you. Very handy! You will find an extensive range of job application outfits for ladies and gentlemen.

Dress for Success

As a job seeker, not everyone has an income. At least not if you're looking for a job because you don't have a job yet. Dress for Succes was founded especially for those people. A great initiative that we would like to point out. Because you may not have the money to buy an expensive job application outfit yourself. Or because you still have a few trousers or dresses in your closet. Bought for a job interview, the packages often hang out in the closet in the long run. Then donate them to Dress for Succes   (donating money is also possible). They ensure that the clothing ends up with applicants who can use it very well. And who knows, your old suit may contribute to someone else's future. Beautiful isn't it?

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