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Job:5 mistakes not to make in a job interview

Here we are. After months of looking for work, we finally landed an interview for a position that appeals to us. Clearly, we will have to give everything! The Independent interviewed recruitment experts and listed the mistakes you don't necessarily think of... Don't make them under any circumstances!

1/ Getting the dress code wrong

Many clubs have a fairly strict, or at least classic, dress code. During the interview, this clothing choice is very important because it shows our understanding of the company. We often tend to make a fuss of it and wear a super chic outfit, but be aware that being too well dressed can be just as badly taken as not being well enough dressed. And what's more, it can make us look stupid...

2/ Arriving too early or too late

Well, we are not going to dwell on the fact that arriving late for an interview is a reason for refusal for an employer (well yes, except for a valid reason, how can you justify that you will arrive on time if you are hired? ?), but the timing is actually more subtle than that. Pros recommend arriving 10-15 minutes before your interview time. This demonstrates a good ability to manage his schedule, without putting pressure on our interlocutor. And if we are stressed about being late, nothing prevents us from waiting at the bottom of the building for an hour and entering the waiting room only 15 minutes before the interview time.

3/ Thinking that you can memorize everything

Taking notes during an interview, like coming up with a few notes in writing, is generally well received by recruiters. Yes, it is human not to memorize everything and rather reassuring for a future boss to see that we are able to select the important things. However, we avoid doing just that during the interview and we do not forget to look at our interlocutor and take an interest in what he is telling us.

4/ Be interested in bad things

At the end of the interview, it is not uncommon for the recruiter to ask us if we have any questions. Warning:the wrong questions can give the wrong impression. Thus, we avoid asking questions only about ourselves (what we could get out of it, our career, etc.) and we try to be interested in the company. After all, for the employer, a job is purely a problem to be solved. This is what we must insist on:we are the best at solving this problem, period!

5/ Harass the recruiter

Sending an e-mail in the days following the interview is always appreciated. We take this opportunity to thank the recruiter for his time and possibly slip in details that show that we have understood the position / the spirit of the company. For example:“Thank you for having me. I'm glad we had the opportunity to discuss xxx” and a specific point from the interview is quoted. But be careful not to overdo it:we sometimes think that if we send lots of emails, the recruiter will necessarily think of us. Yes, but not for the right reasons. It is better to ask, during the interview, when he/she expects to come back to us, and stick to this date. After this date, we allow ourselves to send a polite email, but that's it. Patience is super important (although we know how hard it is).

So, who is ready to tear everything up in an interview?