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20 interview do's and don'ts

Competition in the job market is fierce, with some roles attracting hundreds of promising applicants. If you've carefully crafted a winning cover letter and resume, you might find yourself lucky among a handful of people selected to attend an in-person interview.
Related: 5 things to do before your next job interview
The interview is your chance to make a good and lasting first impression on your potential new employer. They may have been impressed with your skills and credentials on paper, but now is not the time to rest on your laurels; there is still a lot of work to do if you want to land the job. This is your chance to showcase your skills and really show the interviewer why you would be a great asset to their company. However, an interview situation is also a time when you are most vulnerable, and if you haven't prepared properly, you might find it a lost opportunity.
Most of us know the saying goes, "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." This is even more true when it comes to interviews. You can't expect to show up and fly it. You need to think and plan carefully in advance. For example, arriving about 15 minutes early is a good thing; arriving much earlier than that, or later than the scheduled time, tells the interview that you have poor time management skills and haven't planned your route in advance. These are usually undesirable skills for an employee.
Whether you have a lot of interviewing experience, are a recent grad entering the job market for the first time, or have been laid off and are you're back in the job pool after a long stint, there's always that little bit more you can do to prepare for an interview and make a good impression.
Related: 13 Simple Steps to Landing the Job You Want
The helpful infographic below highlights some of the key things you should and shouldn't do when it comes to job interviews.