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Applying and preparing for your job interview? Check out these tips!

We may be a lifestyle blog for working mothers. There are of course more than enough mothers in between jobs in our target group. In my environment I am currently again confronted with applying for friends, which stimulated me to write a blog with tips about applying and preparing for your job interview. Because the information from the conversations I have with friends (and with a applying son) about this is certainly also suitable for you if you are looking for a new job.

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You can learn to apply:this is how you prepare your application and job interview well

It may sound a bit strange the way I put it here, but applying can really teach you. And I don't just mean writing a cover letter, but also the interview itself. Practice makes perfect, they say, of course. In fact, my advice to my friends, as well as to my son, is always the same when it comes to the job interview. Make sure you have multiple options.

For example, also apply for a job for which you may not feel the same passion or interest as that other job that you really want. And then make sure you get the interview for the least fun job first. Especially if it has been a while since you applied, or if you have never been interviewed. It's not surprising that you're a little nervous. In fact, it's totally okay, because a little healthy tension also ensures that you are alert. But it's nice if you've already had a conversation. You learn from it and the tension for each subsequent conversation decreases a bit. You learn what questions they can ask and how you can respond to them. In short; the more conversations you have, the better you get at it.

Well, that was the foretaste, here are the remaining tips for applying.

1. Create a neat resume that you can use again and again

It goes without saying, of course, that a neat resume is one of the first tips for applying for a job. But there is a difference between neat and tidy. Where we used to send a CV with a separate passport photo, you now of course go for a CV in which you -digitally- make room for your photo as a whole. Not adding a photo is still an option, but with a photo you have a better chance of an invitation.

Do you find it difficult to write a resume? Check out Not only do they have great examples there, but you can also create a professional resume in 15 minutes that will impress you without exaggerating.

The basis of your CV can in principle remain the same, but it is still smart to go through your CV with every application and to adapt it to the style of the company you are going to apply for. You can match the language and the choice of words to the company in question, so that they see a match with you even faster.

Depending on the position you are applying for, it might be a good idea to include your social media on your resume. In all cases, make sure that your future employer sees a professional appearance on your social media. No photos or texts of moments when you were intoxicated, for example.

2. Get to know the company

You should of course do this before you start making your resume, but if you are invited for an interview, you will thoroughly go through the website and social media of the company you are applying for.

Make sure that you not only know what is expected of you in your position, but that you also know exactly what the company does, which customers they have and what their mission or vision is. This way you can easily respond to questions about this during the conversation and you immediately show that you are really interested in the company.

3. Make the right first impression

That's easier said than done. But if you know where your capabilities lie and you have studied the position you are applying for and the company itself, then you are well on your way. In addition, make sure that you are wearing a suitable job application outfit. Do not use excessive make-up (or perfume) but make sure you look well-groomed and smell fresh. This ensures that your first impression is good.

4. Ask questions yourself while applying, check the tips below

I know, when you're young it's pretty hard. You may be very nervous or find it difficult to lead the conversation yourself by asking questions. Still, it's good to do this. You show that you are a serious candidate. In addition, you show that you also think about your position within the company.

Just prepare some questions at home. And don't you know any questions? Then talk about it with others. They will undoubtedly come up with questions for you that you do not yet have an answer to. And those are good questions to ask. For example, about your options in the workplace, the responsibilities you will be given, the people you are allowed to work with and the like. But also about how the company views, for example, a work-life balance. Isn't it nice to know whether you end up at a company where you know that you can, for example, work from home for a day if your child is sick.

What is also nice to ask, for example, colleagues who come to the table during the job interview is how they would describe the atmosphere in the company. This way you get a first-hand impression.

5. Prepare for difficult questions

Not every employer does this, but there are some who are great at asking difficult questions. To the point of being irritating. Often this is their way of trying to get to know you a little bit in a short amount of time. Your answer is not right or wrong, but the way you arrive at that answer probably says something about you. So make sure you have already thought about this at home so that you have some business confidence.

Difficult questions that you can prepare for when applying, tips:

  • Name three strengths and weaknesses of yourself
  • Why do you think we should hire you?
  • What problems did you tackle and solve in your previous job?
  • Which work environment would be ideal for you? And how was that with your previous employer?
  • Do you think you would suit our company and if so, why?

Tips for answering these questions when applying for a job:

Make sure you are in a positive flow when answering these tricky questions. For example, don't gossip about an old employer. Or do not explain in detail all the problems you faced in your previous job. Rather focus on the solutions you have been looking for, for example.

6. Know approximately what you want to earn

It should be clear that you do not start your job interview with this, with what you want to earn. However, your salary is an important point within your entire application. It should not be the case that you are over-enthusiastic about the position and then you do not even know what you will earn. It's a logical question to ask, but at the right time.

In any case, think about what you want to earn. And how many hours you want to work for that. If the salary is a difficult point in the conversation, you can of course always look at the secondary employment conditions. There may be opportunities to negotiate that.

In any case, good luck with your application and I hope these tips will help you!